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Will the 1.4 patch help us PC users?


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I don't understand why people say 1.3.10 broke their games, it did nothing but fix glitches. I suspect most people's problems stem from either modding their ini files (specifically changing the ugridstoload) and corrupt saves due to crash on autosave. The autosave on travel thing is a big problem; what happens is that the game crashes while saving, resulting in a corrupted file; you then load that file, play for a while, and start having problems that are now unfixable. This also happened in Oblivion and FO3, which is why I never use autosave at all. I've got about 210 hours in and I've only ever had 2 CTD's, both during the time I was testing out the 11.11b performance driver from ATI so not really the game's fault.


I never had problems before the patch, after it my game crashes, my other games work fine I can run any game in ultra, my oblivion and fallout 3 rarely crashed and if they did it was easy to fix.With skyrim the crashes start right after I update to 1.3.10, tried every fix there is, tested my hardware stability, updated drivers, re-installed the game tons of times tried with no mods started the game several times and it crashes, it even crashes with no save files.So the reason can´t be hardware as it´s only skyrim that acts like that.I don´t understand either since there is also people who can play the game with no problems.

Edited by scot
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Something in your ini files might be creating you problems. Try renaming them (SkyrimPrefs.ini and Skyrin.ini found at your documents folder under My Games and then Skyrim) apending _old to them, for example. This forces the game to rebuild them with default values. If that allow you to play the game without those recurrent issues, try copying from the old ini files the eventual tweaks you did. Avoid transferring back many at once.


I say this because the 1.3.1 patch does not introduce these performance and stability issues by itself, at least not for me and my machine, so it might be something specific to your system and config.

Edited by nosisab
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Since LAA patch have not had a single CTD...ever.


Although, I do hope they get rid of the need for STEAM CONSTANTLY! When i go away, I take my laptop. I don't want to have to pay exorbitant hotel/motel Wireless prices just to play the game I love when I'm not doin anything...and also, my game was less choppy in dungeons before i had to use STEAM for the whole time Playing with every thing except Textures (which is at max) at the lowest, excluding Distance for...seeing stuff. Would help if the leaned up the code a little too. >:(

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Something in your ini files might be creating you problems. Try renaming them (SkyrimPrefs.ini and Skyrin.ini found at your documents folder under My Games and then Skyrim) apending _old to them, for example. This forces the game to rebuild them with default values. If that allow you to play the game without those recurrent issues, try copying from the old ini files the eventual tweaks you did. Avoid transferring back many at once.


I say this because the 1.3.1 patch does not introduce these performance and stability issues by itself, at least not for me and my machine, so it might be something specific to your system and config.



Yes, that´s what I´m thinking about too, skyrim latest patch turned my system incompatible with the game.The only thing I cange in the INI is disabling the compass, I will reset the INI files and start the game and see if it crashes, never tried that sine it was working before the patch but who knows...


Still CTD -.-

Edited by scot
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I hope they will add some lines for Ma'iq concerning construction kit!


Ma'iq searches everywhere for the long-promised construction kit, but people just yell that Ma'iq is overly entitled for asking when the promise will be kept. Ma'iq has a sad.

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