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Labeled a hacker a lot....


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So, I'm 2nd prestiged lvl 62, and I use the MP7. How? I carried it over. But people seem to forget you can do that. I shouldn't have even unlocked it yet, but I have gold for it, and people call me a hacker because of that. It's kinda funny really.


Please notice I don't hack lol. I don't support console modding. I just wanted to share this. Like I said, kinda funny.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I'm 2nd prestiged lvl 62, and I use the MP7. How? I carried it over. But people seem to forget you can do that. I shouldn't have even unlocked it yet, but I have gold for it, and people call me a hacker because of that. It's kinda funny really.


Please notice I don't hack lol. I don't support console modding. I just wanted to share this. Like I said, kinda funny.


Have a friend who always attracted a lot of hacker accusations just because he was literally too damned good, but I sympathise with those who accuse you somewhat: I totally gave up playing all MW games online due to the number of players who seemed to be magically immune to bullets, even when they were caught in the middle of a 3 way point blank crossfire. MW seems to attract cheaters like no other online game.


That's what really gets me about these people - if you're gonna cheat at least be subtle enough that it isn't patently obvious.

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That's what really gets me about these people - if you're gonna cheat at least be subtle enough that it isn't patently obvious.

If it isn't patently obvious, it doesn't carry the same feelings of hatred and outright disgust. A subtle hacker wouldn't for example, have their entire team totally stop playing and start helping the other team try and kill them or rally up support to ban from the server. A subtle hacker wouldn't be able to flaunt their blatant hacks, then laugh as everyone rages while they run around slaughtering everyone.


Think of it as a variation of trolling.

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That's what really gets me about these people - if you're gonna cheat at least be subtle enough that it isn't patently obvious.


Or make it at least entertaining for everyone else (for example multiply all xp markers by 50)



My opinion on hacking: it's wrong, illegal, and annoys legitimate players. I do not hack, I mod (or at least pretend to XD); two very different things .

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Think of it as a variation of trolling.


Not sure how serious you were being, but I'd never thought of their motivation that way, and when you view it like that it does genuinely make more sense. That's a proper little epiphany right there.


I guess the problem is you can just ignore trolls on comment boards (not that many of us do of course!) and just carry on the conversation regardless, but it's harder to ignore on server games - kinda like if the trolls on forums could edit everyone else's replies. Actually now I think about I've seen mods who were no better than trolls (on other forums) do that too, so yeah, spot on.



Or make it at least entertaining for everyone else (for example multiply all xp markers by 50)


I dunno, that would probably annoy me just as much, maybe even more. At least when they make themselves invincible they only destroy their own sense of achievement and ruin everyone else's game in the short term. Would you really want your last prestige level handed to you by someone else's hack? I'd be absolutely gutted.


Sorry if I'm rambling or derailing this thread or anything, just a subject that I care about probably way too much!

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  • 2 months later...

Same assumption happened to me. Hilarious because I'm not tech savvy. Yet at least. I liked playing MW3 on Wii because I like the controls. Friend requests poured in and then the texts asking me how I leveled up and got good stats so quick. I told them it was just long nights and basic hard work. Still they assumed I was some sort of "modder" (modder in the sense of bad modder or hacker) Long story short, my profile got hacked and my stats set to -999. Activion was no help and online they said only a "modder" could "repromote" me. Did not like the sound of that. So I switched over to the 360. Haven't played in awhile. The controls I had to get used to, but the graphics were far better. I wonder if because I'm "new" on XBL in MW3, I kow the maps, etc., will they assume that I'm modding?


BTW, This is my favorite anti-modding the xbox video (google you tube slam on modders and this will show up. Great slam on console modders). Summary: . Step one: Pour lighter fluid in vents on both sides. Set on fire. Step two: drill a hole into the center of the power on button. Step 3: take hammer and beat in the very top center of the console. Step four: Drop the console out of a window at least two stories high. :biggrin: Then he goes on to say. "Now you will be able to play MW3 invincibly!" or something like that. Then he finishes with a highly emotional slam on modders. The funny thing about it is there were sooooo many comments afterwards that were flaming and some from people who actually began to do this without even thinking straight or watching the video to the end before attempting. Kudos to that kid!

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  • 1 month later...

So, I'm 2nd prestiged lvl 62, and I use the MP7. How? I carried it over. But people seem to forget you can do that. I shouldn't have even unlocked it yet, but I have gold for it, and people call me a hacker because of that. It's kinda funny really.


Please notice I don't hack lol. I don't support console modding. I just wanted to share this. Like I said, kinda funny.


Have a friend who always attracted a lot of hacker accusations just because he was literally too damned good, but I sympathise with those who accuse you somewhat: I totally gave up playing all MW games online due to the number of players who seemed to be magically immune to bullets, even when they were caught in the middle of a 3 way point blank crossfire. MW seems to attract cheaters like no other online game.


That's what really gets me about these people - if you're gonna cheat at least be subtle enough that it isn't patently obvious.

HAHA I get that all the time on a few games. But you do have to be careful with the immune to bullets thing. BF3 there was a glitch (Don't ask how it works I still don't remember) but if you got this glitch you could become invincable. And also if you think MW had cheaters you never played the PSP.


I remember when I first got my PSP there was a game I got called Socom FTB2. HOLY COW awsome game.... Stil up and Running actualy haha. But When I started there were almost none at all hackers. Now... you join one game I guarantee there is a hacker there. EASY to spot to...


How do I know of such? Back in 2000 I got blacklisted on that game (Hacker gives your account a virus in which you are not allowed to join a game. It freezes the psp. The ONLY way to fix this is to have a modder (Or mod your psp) undo this.) and I got it fixed (Don't ask how.....). Ever since I followed the PSP modding for that game and I know that 99% of the players you find on that game now are hackers. ANNOYING if you ask me to join a game and get banned, froze, or have a whole team slaughtered because someone is having fun making your life miserable...


Support it? NO. Interesting how it is done? YES. main reason I'm going into computer science. I like seeing how things... tick...

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I got called a hacker exactly once, in MAG for the PS3. Sniping was useless in that "MMO", since the barrel wander was insane, the game ran at 25 fps, there was 1.5 seconds of lag, and to top it all off, you had to use a dualshock 3. It took 2 shots with the .50 cal to kill most people, as everyone figured out that there was only one good loadout in the game (LMG+superheavy armor). All the twelve year olds hated snipers (they called us "spawn humpers"), and half your own team would knife you in the back as they ran by, since friendly knifing was enabled until a late patch. In other words, sniping was like being raped by a rusty piece of metal.


In that MMO, there were three factions. Valor, SVER, and Raven. Valor players HATED snipers like no other. I lost count of the times I got called a "spawn humping f**" for sniping, by my own teammates. I quickly switched sides to Raven, because as the faction with the most accurate guns, snipers were tolerated. Most matches I got about a 1/10 k/d ratio. I get a 4/1 k/d in BlackOps, and a 10/1 k/d in Killzone 3 as stealthy assassin characters, but in MAG sniping was just broken.


There was one good thing about Valor, however. They all had heavily muscled arms, and none of their armor had sleeves. They were often called the cowboy rednecks by Raven players. This had a tactical application, because although distance fog made it tough to hit people on the other two sides, Valor players' white biceps stuck out like beacons. Snipers on Raven knew to aim between the biceps, because that meant an instant head-shot due to the oversized hitboxes.


One match, as I played with Raven, I saw a sniper with Valor. He was way off in the distance, camping on the roof of a building. I could hardly see him through my scope; mostly just his biceps were visible. I aimed between the biceps, and shot him in the head. I did this four more times, each time he ran back to the same building. He sent me a message, accusing me of procreating with an imaginary sister and calling me a whole string of names that would get me banned for reciting them. I kept head-shooting him, even though I could only see the white of his arms through the fog. Naturally, I was wearing black like all players on Raven, and he couldn't see me at all. He thought I was hacking and said as much in a few more messages. He also advised me to go die, but I didn't take that very seriously since I was nursing a 10/1 k/d off of him.

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lol if you are all this good you must be hackers. :biggrin: Just kidding of course.


Funny thing is, if these people think you are hackers, why would they try to make you mad when you can easily hack them?


Common sense isn't common anymore it seems. :sad:

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lol if you are all this good you must be hackers. :biggrin: Just kidding of course.


Funny thing is, if these people think you are hackers, why would they try to make you mad when you can easily hack them?


Common sense isn't common anymore it seems. :sad:

LOL agreed should be rare sense.


You should try Socom 4 or Battlefield bad company 2 if you wanna snipe. I'm a sniper myself and there aren't very good games where people actualy SNIPE. To many are douches and cheat. HAHA Even the game Sniper Ghost Warrior has nooblets who cant stand sniping.

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