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Argonian werewolf


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Lycanthropism changes the very dna of the subject.


Your race isnt important, nor would it affect what you look like when you transform.


Ok were talking about a fantasy world here, so a DNA explanation might not always seem ... right. Anyways, i woud say, at least they woud keep some, lets say unique, things, like the haircolor (you know, dark haircolor = dark fur and the opposite).




Oh, and i personally woudnt want a argonian werewolf that looks more like a reptile. Now just imagine the werewolf model of Skyrim and put argonian like scales on it. Woud look ... ehm ... wired.

Edited by Cyrotek
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Lycanthropism changes the very dna of the subject.

Your race isnt important, nor would it affect what you look like when you transform.

I love it when people use science to explain fantasy and state it as fact. Werewolves are fantasy beasts that are considered to be part man and part wolf -they don't exist on their own, they are a hybrid. So if a werewolf were part Argonian and part wolf then I see abolutely no reason that it couldn't have some reptilian qualities.


Oh, and i personally woudnt want a argonian werewolf that looks more like a reptile. Now just imagine the werewolf model of Skyrim and put argonian like scales on it. Woud look ... ehm ... wired.

I think it could look awesome if done right.

Edited by GMatthews
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Lycanthropy is a 'blessing' form Hercine. He alone gets to determine what the Werewolves look like, their normal phisiology be damned. Doesn't matter if its a Mer, an Argonian or a rabbit, their all going to look like Hercine wants.


As such, i see no lore based justification for an Argonian Werewolf looking more reptillian. Thats not to say it wouldn't be a cool modding opportunity, and a quick flip through the Oblivion mods shows that the majority of modders don't care about lore-continuity (Lucas, you ahve corrupted the masses) but i think looking for a justification beyond "It'd be cool" is doomed to failure.


If you like it, go for it.

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... but i think looking for a justification beyond "It'd be cool" is doomed to failure.

Just as justification that it "can't be" is doomed. Just because something hasn't been discussed in lore doesn't mean it can't be true.

Sorry, at this point it is just debate for debate's sake -but again, stating opinion as fact tends to get me started. :thumbsup:

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... but i think looking for a justification beyond "It'd be cool" is doomed to failure.

Just as justification that it "can't be" is doomed. Just because something hasn't been discussed in lore doesn't mean it can't be true.

Sorry, at this point it is just debate for debate's sake -but again, stating opinion as fact tends to get me started. :thumbsup:


First, i thought the inclusion of "i think" was enough to convey the weight of oppinion, rather than my stating a fact. I don't mean that there is not a justification to be found, i just don't beleive it's an easy or even worthwile endevour, especially when its already been proben a large chunk of the modding community doesn't care a wit for the lore.


Also, while i admit the absence of evidence does not equate to the evidence of absence, and since it is subject to the whim of a Daedriv Prince we could ahve Were-rabbits if Hercine was so inclined, there is not as of yet any indication that being an Argonian affects the transformation at all.

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