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Fallout 4?


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You people seem to forget that it's the bloody same company that made Skyrim. And guess what. Skyrim made a LOT of money. A LOT of money. They have more then enough to make a successful Fallout 4 sequel. And if my silly perdiction is not correct, then they may indeed be working on it now, but I honestly doubt that it's past initial design/being discussed really.
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I'd like to see a fallout about just trying to survive day to day life. Raising up through the ranks of being a simple villager to something more. Be a petty robber, store owner, sheriff, good guy, bad guy, ect. Make travelling further away from a city more dangerous and increase the gloomy look of things. A fully explore-able city controlled by mutants or some unfriendly group where being caught at the wrong time means a firefight that gets harder as time goes by because of reinforcements. IF you're a known member of a city have it where other factions will retaliate against you or the city for wrong doings you or the city do to that faction. Have random events where raiders or mutants siege cities for their own gain/needs and you have the option to start a rebellion. I WANT A SIM FALLOUT MUWAWAWAWAWAWAAAAaaaaa
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I'd like to see a fallout about just trying to survive day to day life. Raising up through the ranks of being a simple villager to something more. Be a petty robber, store owner, sheriff, good guy, bad guy, ect. Make travelling further away from a city more dangerous and increase the gloomy look of things. A fully explore-able city controlled by mutants or some unfriendly group where being caught at the wrong time means a firefight that gets harder as time goes by because of reinforcements. IF you're a known member of a city have it where other factions will retaliate against you or the city for wrong doings you or the city do to that faction. Have random events where raiders or mutants siege cities for their own gain/needs and you have the option to start a rebellion. I WANT A SIM FALLOUT MUWAWAWAWAWAWAAAAaaaaa


way to much Role Playing and not enough action/adventure (and possible lack of story)....for my tastes that is

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I'd like to see a fallout about just trying to survive day to day life. Raising up through the ranks of being a simple villager to something more. Be a petty robber, store owner, sheriff, good guy, bad guy, ect. Make travelling further away from a city more dangerous and increase the gloomy look of things. A fully explore-able city controlled by mutants or some unfriendly group where being caught at the wrong time means a firefight that gets harder as time goes by because of reinforcements. IF you're a known member of a city have it where other factions will retaliate against you or the city for wrong doings you or the city do to that faction. Have random events where raiders or mutants siege cities for their own gain/needs and you have the option to start a rebellion. I WANT A SIM FALLOUT MUWAWAWAWAWAWAAAAaaaaa


way to much Role Playing and not enough action/adventure (and possible lack of story)....for my tastes that is

I think there is a reason it's called an ROLE PLAYING GAME and not a shooter.

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im sorry. to me RPG means i can customize my character any way i want. make an in game personification, a hero, a villain. what have you, where possibly decisions matter...i dont however want to play a game where the highlight is trying to find an egg for breakfast. where i legit take it day by day. where many days, nothing can happen...and i especially dont want that to happen to FallOut :P
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im sorry. to me RPG means i can customize my character any way i want. make an in game personification, a hero, a villain. what have you, where possibly decisions matter...i dont however want to play a game where the highlight is trying to find an egg for breakfast. where i legit take it day by day. where many days, nothing can happen...and i especially dont want that to happen to FallOut :P

Except that's not what he meant at all?

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im sorry. to me RPG means i can customize my character any way i want. make an in game personification, a hero, a villain. what have you, where possibly decisions matter...i dont however want to play a game where the highlight is trying to find an egg for breakfast. where i legit take it day by day. where many days, nothing can happen...and i especially dont want that to happen to FallOut :P

Except that's not what he meant at all?


Yeah I don't mean like that lol. I'm tired of these games that make you feel like the only way to see change in the game world is to do quest / side quest or when you kill NPCs (villagers, travelers, ect) the rest of them seem to not care. They should be more reactive to current events. Like weather, recent kills in area, ect. AND why is it FONV you can still walk up to a NPC with your weapon pointing right in his face and no reaction? I know there is a mod for that but come on! Fallout 3 to NV I am not impressed with the advancement in game play.

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@us11csalyer I agree, FO3 and NV are too dumbed down, no one cares what's going on. Although it's kinda expected, they live in a radioactive wasteland where everyone and everything wants you dead and life is worthless. Would you care about weather if there's a whole bunch of raiders, radscorps, deathclaws, super mutants, ghouls, etc. out there, ready to kill you as soon as they look at you?


Anyway, it would've been nice if Bethesda adds some level of awareness to NPC's in FO4, like they did in Skyrim. People actually comment on crimes and deeds there, I'd like to see that implemented in FO, along with the creation engine (but I'd like less bugs and gliches). NPC's in FO act like robots, they have only a few words to say and nothing else, no matter what happens.

Edited by Werne
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ahhh i see what you mean.


infamous (Ps3) has something like that. obviously on a different scale then what Fallout would need, but if you kill ppl, people still start running away from you. if you save ppl, ppl will cheer you. its a small scale obviously, but i see what your saying.


people should react to a dead body left in the middle of the street.

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ahhh i see what you mean.


infamous (Ps3) has something like that. obviously on a different scale then what Fallout would need, but if you kill ppl, people still start running away from you. if you save ppl, ppl will cheer you. its a small scale obviously, but i see what your saying.


people should react to a dead body left in the middle of the street.



They already do in RED DEAD REDEMPTION ~Wild West RPG(ish) game ...they kinda stand over the

dead corpse and make 'tut tut...gestures with their hands n arms ...female NPC's run off screaming and

there is always some DUDE running to the Sherrifs Office to 'blab you in' to the LAW!!!

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