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Fallout 4?


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That's not enough proof. I know for a fact that when someone at Bethesda (name escapes me right now) was interviewed by Game Informer, he HINTED that another Fallout games was in the works and that it MAY take place in or near the Mojave. Now, once I find the article, I will post the guy's name, ok?

a second fallout game in the Mojave sounds like a waste of development resources :facepalm:

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IMO FO3 would have been a failure without the modding community.


Fallout 3 could have been console exclusive and it wouldn't be anywhere near "failure". Even with Bethesda Games, PC players are the small majority of the sales figures, and there's a surprusingly large enough majority of those who don't even mod their games. PC had a nice bulk with Skyrim (I think we made up about 10% of sales with the first few weeks.) Even Todd Howard himself has said it, Since Oblivion, The Xbox 360 is the lead console for these games. People put way to much into "mods saved the game", when really, they didn't.

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Personally I'm hoping it's going to take place in one massive cityscape like New York ... with gang factions running the hoods, a BOS hideout, an Enclave fortress, and last but not least, the Commonwealth stronghold with their android armies and the secretive Railroad organization.

Well, either that or Fallout 4 Europe ... just no more ice or snow or desert please ...

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Fallout London would be my favourite but I don't think they'll go that far.


Fallout: Canada would be interesting due to its part in the Great War and you could have a radioactive Niagara Falls.


Fallout: New York would also be cool, except New York has been done to death by open-world games recently.


Fallout: San Francisco would be interesting, and has quite a lot of iconic imagery to go with it.


Then again, maybe they'll set the next one near Hollywood, who knows! I'm looking forward to it.



That's not enough proof. I know for a fact that when someone at Bethesda (name escapes me right now) was interviewed by Game Informer, he HINTED that another Fallout games was in the works and that it MAY take place in or near the Mojave. Now, once I find the article, I will post the guy's name, ok?


If Fallout 4 is set anywhere near the Mojave I will literally eat my hard-drive. There is just no way this would happen and everyone knows it. I'm not saying someone didn't vaguely hint at it, but it won't be set there.

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Personally I'm hoping it's going to take place in one massive cityscape like New York ... with gang factions running the hoods, a BOS hideout, an Enclave fortress, and last but not least, the Commonwealth stronghold with their android armies and the secretive Railroad organization.

Well, either that or Fallout 4 Europe ... just no more ice or snow or desert please ...


i actually want more desert :D


i want to, somehow, get the feel of both. in the way fallout 2 tried to present:

empty wastes between towns - but once you reach a town (such as new reno) it should be fully populated - well beyond 10-12 npcs, but truly give a feeling of a real city.


obviously, in a 3D engine, this would take enormous ammounts of resources, but... thats what i hope for.


in real life, even the smallest little hillbilly holes have at least a few thousand inhabitants (which is way more than... 10-12 people), so even in the most desolate of scenarios, it should.. ideally.. be realistic enough to encounter several quite so urban settlements.


i want to have my cake and eat it too :]

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I don't think they'll be doing a Fallout 4, though I have to admit, I wouldn't mind one. Fallout has been known to run off of a TES engine.... or the other way... idk.... but Skyrim's engine wouldn't fit a Fallout game, so they'd have to completly recreate one, and Bethesda HATES doing that.


Edited by Nadimos
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I don't think they'll be doing a Fallout 4, though I have to admit, I wouldn't mind one. Fallout has been known to run off of a TES engine.... or the other way... idk.... but Skyrim's engine wouldn't fit a Fallout game, so they'd have to completly recreate one, and Bethesda HATES doing that.


Err why not?

Fallout Alaska much? Do you even know what a game engine is :psyduck:

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There is no such thing as "TES engine" or "Fallout engine"


Level designers, artists, 3d modelers, etc ALWAYS get around the tech to get to the final feel of the game. Specially the older ones who had to work in the 90s since those ppl had to create a good atmosphere out of 64x64 sprites, and you're telling me that those ppl wont be able to make a Fallout out of the Creation Engine?


Hell, if anyone made a power point presentation about the features of the Creation Engine then showed it to a bunch of devs that dont know TES exists, NO ONE would even THINK that Skyrim could be made of it.


"Lets see... We have shadows, but they kinda dont work as they should... We have this very complex system for applying shaders that depends on each mesh file, that also doesnt works as it should... and its pretty un pratical... We have this limited LOD system that eats up vram like there is no tomorrow..." And the entire presentation would be like that.

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IMO FO3 would have been a failure without the modding community.


i highly doubt it. i LOVED FO3. played it through 3 times, on console (meaning no mods).....FONV on the other hand, i bought for console, traded it in for PC just so i could use mods, cause i couldnt stand it other wise.



as i believe i said previously. i want a ruined city. no more nuked sand. i couldnt even tell i was in a post apocalyptic setting in FONV. was just desert and sand. i want ruined buildings, subways, monuments of our society....i could see the Statue of Liberty being a BoS stronghold. or if it was in Cali, more specifically San Fran, with the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz. youd have your NCR and Legion, as well as BoS and Enclave. buildings and subways, monuments and stuff as well. San Fran to me, seems like the perfect setting.

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