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Skyrim WTF Moments


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Every single time I find my way into some tomb or barrow that's clearly been closed off for hundreds of years (hell, the NPCs even tell me so sometimes!) it's always a wtf to find burning candles and torches.... Where did they come from???
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So, I'm doing Diplomatic Immunity last night (first run through), and of course, that's a stealth mission for about five whole seconds (tank-mages sneak... poorly). I make it out to the back courtyard, under attack from all those casters. I'd only brought a few weapons, and none of my heavy armor (thought the "stealth" portion of the mission would have lasted longer), and very few potions. Even with the Elven armor I was wearing (pinched from dead Thalmor) it wasn't looking good.... when I hear a familiar cracking sound, and hear a familiar voice:


"I'll kill you if I have to!" ZAP! FWOOSH! "Aaugh!" <--- bad guy


Lydia to the rescue! She hadn't appeared from when I took the door to the outside.... she must have run directly from where I left her when I left for the party.


Somehow, she got bored waiting for me to get back from the party at the embassy and decided for a more proactive form of diplomacy. Ya see, my Lydia (aka "Lyds/Lids") really, really likes the staves of lightning bolts, flames, ice storm, and sparks I gave her... and when she wields two of them at once.... she hurts things. She's wearing Dynasty armor and a colormatched Glass helmet, so she pretty much carves a swath of death when she's pissed off.


My first true WTF moment was when I cast magelight.... which came in contact with a dragon corpse.

Edited by MightionNY
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I'm running around north of Rifton and I see two people busy duking it out. I wander over there and I discover a Thalmor under attack by an assassin, who he quickly dispatches. He then attacks me with the standard "You cannot defeat me" quote and I get an insta-kill in the first hit. I discovered after checking out everyone's inventory that they both were sent to try and kill me, but apparently got into an argument over who was going to attack me first. :D



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While i was testing if the essential followers worked right i took Lydia out and stirred up some giants. The firs hit sent here flying so high i actually lost sight of her. Then when she finally crashed to the ground about 10 sec later she just popes right up and put an arrow in his knee.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I was at Northwind Summit (Dragon lair) when this happened.


So a Ancient Dragon decides to hang out at the lair and I get attacked by it. I attack with a Legendary Enchanted Daedric Bow using Iron Arrows which in total deals 113 damage and it only takes a small portion of health from it. I keep attacking with Iron Arrows until the Dragon finally lands. Turns out that the dragon was going to crash-land into me and sure enough, I had a hard time trying to move with a Dragon crash-landing right into my face. I was literally riding the dragon as it crash landed and then there was a happy ending as I stood on top of the dragon feeling like a true Dragonborn.


Second WTF moment was when a Elder Dragon attacked Riverwood. All of the villagers except Alvor and others started to panic and run for their lives, I saw the guards grabbing out their sword and started hacking and slashing the dragon, only for the dragon to kill them! o_O As the Elder Dragon flew around, I used Dragonrend to land it. As victory was going to be mine, Alvor started to come at the dragon, fists raised with a mean look on his face. Alvor punched the dragon and I kept spamming arrows. Alvor the Smith kept punching the dragons in the face and jaw, he tried to be like Chuck Norris/Bruce Lee but soon I knew he would meet his end. Alvor the Smith met his end by the breath of a dragon, trying to be a hero. :confused:


What a weirdo.

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You like those crazy couriers? They always sneak up behind you and then run away, right?


The other day, I was going through Alftand, and right at the bottom (right before you reach the Dwarven Centurion) this imperial courier comes right out of nowhere. I thought he was a falmer and just reactively murdered the poor guy. :ohmy:

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I'm a shield/sword guy in heavy armor set. I have killed many dragons, giants and trolls. One day an NPC with name "Black swan" drew her bow and shot me. My health point went from 320 to about 50. I attempted to flee to heal myself (I use spell instead of potion, habit)... but she planted a final arrow in my back.
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  • 9 months later...

Screenshots of my more interesting WTF moments, provided as links:


Is that tree leaping from rock to rock?


Two NPCs sleeping in the same bed. And it's a one-person bed.


A deer butt. Found in a troll's cave. Most people mount their trophies on the wall, and usually use the other end of the animal.


Transsexual Draugr. Note the dress and the boobies ... and the beard.


Horseless Headless Horseman. Or is it the Headless Horseless Headsman?


I've been hunting and fishing in these parts for years. And I've yet to see a SINGLE deer. This one just walked up to my character and sniffed her. It hung around for quite a while, too.


Nords can't dance, because they have two left feet. Their dancing skills are SO bad, in fact, that this guy got the death penalty. (And Vilja was wondering why no one dances in Skyrim...)


I knew this was a mod, but my son didn't, and his reaction was "WTF?" So it's still a WTF. (The Mod is "Like a Boss." And Mammoths are SLOW.)



Edited by gizmologist
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