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Image sections need more moderation?


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Hi all

I know you guys are busy especially with the traffic through the Skyrim Nexus, but seriously, more moderation is needed in the image sections(mainly but not always Skyrim) to deal with the influx of nude images and the sudden smattering of swearing both in image names and especially in the comments. I know there is a report button for the comments but what about the images themselves? Maybe there should be one. Or maybe I'm just getting prudish in my middle-age. Thanks for listening.

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Hi all

I know you guys are busy especially with the traffic through the Skyrim Nexus, but seriously, more moderation is needed in the image sections(mainly but not always Skyrim) to deal with the influx of nude images and the sudden smattering of swearing both in image names and especially in the comments. I know there is a report button for the comments but what about the images themselves? Maybe there should be one. Or maybe I'm just getting prudish in my middle-age. Thanks for listening.


- Click on the image on the mosaic view page;

- Below the image, click on the "View forum thread" link below the Comments header;

- Once the thread is opened, use the Report button of the first post (the topic starter, posted by Site Bot, that includes the image).

- Type your complaint;

- Done.

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The game is rated M for 17+ for a reason. I don't really think that the moderators care.


Either way, if you feel offended, report the file.


They do care. But they do not browse dozens of pages to look for objectionable images. They rely on user reports.


There is a "no nudity" rule for the public image share section and it is enforced (usually insta-ban). However, unlike the OP, I only found one image that violates the "no nude" rule. There are other images that may be considered skimpy, but they are still within the permitted limits.

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The game is rated M for 17+ for a reason. I don't really think that the moderators care.


Either way, if you feel offended, report the file.


If you think we don't care post a nude image and wait for the boot !


When you upload an image you are agreeing to this:





Do not post any images of nudity including breasts, genitalia, buttocks or characters that are wearing so little that they might as well be naked (like 1 pixel wide thongs that cover nothing up).


If you do not heed this warning it is very likely you will be banned.



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And if you think we tolerate foul language, try using some. (Although we're more likely to issue private Warnings or public Strikes than insta-bans for that infraction... At least the first time. :armscrossed: )


Extract from the ToS:


Through your use of any Nexus site you agree that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, threatening, related to piracy, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of UK law. Know that in severe cases legal action can be taken against you.

We do allow for considerable latitude, especially regarding what is "profane", since the strict definition is a bit narrow for our purposes:


Adjective: Relating or devoted to that which is not sacred or biblical; secular.

Verb: Treat (something sacred) with irreverence or disrespect.


But as LadyMilla said, we don't go actively looking for things. With a potential poster-to-Staff ratio of over 40,000:1, we have to rely on our members to use the Report button when they spot a problem! :wink:

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As my fellow staff have said, there's plenty of warnings, and yes - we do care.


We can't be everywhere, despite what some may think. We both rely on and need people to help us with the matters on site. Reporting files and images that violate the terms of service especially. Yes, we catch many on our own accord, but the heart of the situation is the trust we place in the rest of the site's membership to help us keep things in order, whether by their own behaviour, or by the reports made of those that break the rules.


If we don't see it, or are informed of it, then we can't do anything about it - sad fact, but it's the truth. When you see something that you think or know is a violation, report it. If you cannot see a way to report something specific - contact one of us directly using the private message system. Either way - the matter will be looked into, and dealt with appropriately.


Just remember, the resulting outcome of our actions might not be immediately visible, but there will be one.

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