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nexus hate?


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The words are synonymous in nature. You can't have one without the other.


How come with age i become more opinionated? Is it just me? Or was i always

and just didn't notice? And why do i notice now and did not earlier? Is it progression

or regression? All i know is, it is not comfy, not comfy at all.

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Three things:


  1. Chinese whispers is rife in any community. Don't believe everything you read. There's always two sides to a story. Etc.
  2. Hate and disdain come with the terrority of being the most used resource in any area. Look at the hate for Steam. Look at the hate for Facebook. Look at the hate for Google. And so on and so forth. It's natural.
  3. "Hater's gonna hate"


Actually there are three sides to every story. "His" side "Her" side and the truth that is somewhere in between usually. :thumbsup:

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This site is an anomaly. That's why you get pirates coming on here, saying they're pirates, and getting banned in their first 30 minutes. Nowhere else does that, so they never expect a ban when doing so. Well, nowhere else I know.


Is that a bad thing?

No. There are advantages and disadvantages to the current policy. I would say overall it works well.

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Well, if your site is affiliated with, say, Mass Effect, I don't think you would want people to pirate the game you affiliated. Having the community seemingly support the community would be disastrous for its image: that's why bans happen.


Onto ego, we're not talking so much about the moderator's ego, but the modder's ego themselves. Take Earache42. Perfectly normal and kind guy, until he evolved into a profanity spouter, earning him a ban a while back for insulting someone quite seriously (though, to be honest, I don't like that person either). Normally, it's your popularity that forms this behaviour, unfortunately.


Kudos to the staff for their actions, I understand how stress can cause us to execute irrational actions, but on a whole, you guys a doing a great job.

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As regards this site, obssessively listing the many people you ban every day, along with their offenses, does not reflect well on you.

Knee-jerk banning coud eventually backfire as you create more and more enemies.



You would rather people be banned in silence with no explanation for what they did wrong?


They should just get a message explaining in neutral tone why they got banned. If anybody misses them and publicly asks questions, the same message is then publicly posted in the forum -> less work for the mods.


Swinging "BanHammers" doesn't really make you look that cool. And it tends to attract trolls, creating more moderation/banning work for you.


Perfectly normal and kind guy, until he evolved into a profanity spouter, earning him a ban a while back for insulting someone quite seriously (though, to be honest, I don't like that person either).


It is not the modders' privilege that they are "allowed" to post here. It is the Site's privilege that modders offer their mods here for free.


Modders are the most important members here. More important than moderators. Most people are here for the work of the modders, not for the "iron fists".


Just delete the offending posts and ask the modders to not get involved in flaming . Otherwise you're just shooting yourself in the foot.


Now with SOPA/PIPA no longer an imminent threat it would be interesting to see whether the atittudes change.


In my mind, someone who buys a game, then cracks it to bypass DVD or internet activation, has nothing to do with "piracy" or any kind of theft. Banning people for violating the EULA is something that i don't think even Bethesda themselves would do.


Piracy means stealing goods to then SELL to others FOR PROFIT. It doesn't mean duplicating data for your personal use or sharing with your friends who could never afford the stuff in the first place. It doesn't mean downloading something you found on the open internet , without any hacking into any private servers.


That’s what the pushers of SOPA/PIPA would have you believe, that doing just that makes you a thief and a criminal.


PIRATES are the people who copy software and media en masse, and then sell it through filesharing sites or physical DVDs.


in the case of pirated DVDs in Europe, the people selling them in the streets are not criminal gangsters and terorrists, but invariably penniless African immigrants who simply have no other way to earn their survival tickets.


PS not saying that cracked games discussion should be allowed here, just suggesting people ease off the PIRACY accusations because they're just paying lip service to people and groups with some very unwholesome interests.

Edited by Jaguarnaut
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Just delete the offending posts and ask the modders to not get involved in flaming . Otherwise you're just shooting yourself in the foot.


You seem to be pretty clueless.


That's exactly what we did. Many times. What do you do when a mod author flagrantly thinks the rules don't apply to him and ignores the many warnings you give them? Carry on letting them be ass hats because "they're the most important members"? No. I'm not a tool, and I've proven time and time again that there's only so much crap I'll take from the "best modder in the community" before I think their ego and self-worth are detrimental to my community. They can go else where and form their own community.


Piracy means stealing goods to then SELL to others FOR PROFIT


No, it means stealing goods. Full-stop.


If you steal my car and just use it for your own personal consumption for non-profit it's still stealing. If you steal my site code and use it for your own site for non-profit it's still stealing.


Stealing is wrong.


The amount of idiot people (generally children) who think they have a RIGHT to download pirated stuff for free, as long as they don't sell it to others, is bordering on down-right pants-on-head retarded. How short-sighted can these people really be?

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Actually in most of your points of view on it the law disagress, and the page has to stay within the law not just for convenience. Even without SOPA or PIPA site owners like Dark0ne can and will get sued for their members' misbehaviour, if they don't combat it and even support it. (And where did this "public image" and "site affiliation" nonsense come from I read lately?! That was never playing any role around here. Cheap attempt.)


Site policy was that way already long before SOPA/PIPA even was an idea, and I don't see it changing in any way now, no matter what, as it never was in any way related to (or caused by) those two.

It's not about "looking cool", it's about "neccessity" swinging the banhammer. Without those policies and their harsh enforcement around here the site would be no different than somethingawful.com or what they're called, not a very nice place to hang around at.


>> It is not the modders' privilege that they are "allowed" to post here. It is the Site's privilege that modders offer their mods here for free. <<

Oh, yeah. Tell you what, Dark0ne doesn't owe me anything... neither do I owe him, apart from appreciation and thanks perhaps, respect for him and his rules being the least to be expected of me.

Perhaps my users do, as thanks to this site I'm able to let them use my mods, otherwise they'd likely only have direct link downloads and other public forums to fall back on for discussion and support.

But the statement above can't be any more wrong.


And in regards to making ban reports public right from the start or not, it just so happens I got into a situation last days where most uprage was mainly caused by the evidence to the incident that led to the ban is only readable by staff members anymore and the public audience, as it always does, started creating conspiracy theories all around it. If anything, then I'm all for yet even more publicity of ban reports and less "not readable by non-staff" reference posts anymore, for the site's and staff's sake alone. Just imagine how much more civil things could have been settled, if any evidence and proof would've been open to the public all the time! There'd be no possibility for "covering up" accusations, if nothing was covered up in the first place.


edit: This was aimed at the post before Dark0ne's. His slipped in while I was writing. :sweat:


In addition to his last line, sometimes I wish those companies would really start sueing the individual downloader for his single act of piracy. Maybe then people would finally realise it's still a crime, even though you're not selling or profiting or anything else.


edit2: Oh, but I promised stepping back with it a little from now on, as it's only my bad mood lately driving me into posting these things so unused of me, and this development I witness of myself is pretty much alarming. I'll let the staff handle this, as they know better than me anyways and it's not up to me to defend them or anything. As much as I like stepping up for this community, I wouldn't do so the way I do, if it wasn't only for the mood I'm in for over 2 years now. Things are getting to me far more than I'd ever admit these days and I have to get some distance to it for my own sake.


Hopefully I can keep this promise.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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