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Members List "broken"?


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This is very strange. I was using the members list, except there's something very wrong... 13 pages definitely does not equal 2 million members! In fact, I don't even appear on the list!


So, did something happen? Did the members list get corrupted? Is there a new private/public profile setting I'm not aware of?

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  • 1 month later...
The member search function definitely seems broken. Even if you put in the entire member's name, it will say no results found even though you know the member exists. In fact you can send the member a PM. Once you've done that, then you can look up their profile. But doing a search will not retrieve their profile.
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I also found the member search wasn't working when I last tried to use it. I was searching for a member using the beginning of his name as I wasn't sure of the ending and it didn't find him. Then I searched for my name, and it didn't find me either. Having a web site question my own existence is not the sort of philosophical issue I wish to be confronted with.
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  • 2 months later...
Any plans for this to be fixed soon? I still am unable to search for anybody, it seems none of us exist! AndalayBay, you don't exist either. Oh, bben46 and buddah do both exist, so at least the site staff are real, it would be scary if it turned out the site was being run/moderated by non-existent beings.
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  • 1 month later...

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