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Fort Grief gate won't open


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I have done everything needed to complete this quest but the switch inside the dungeon will not open the gate so I can exit. I get a message telling me the gate has been activated but no luck. Anyone know a console command to open the gate or another way out? I have read about many other bugs in this quest but I can't find any info on this one.
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I have done everything needed to complete this quest but the switch inside the dungeon will not open the gate so I can exit. I get a message telling me the gate has been activated but no luck. Anyone know a console command to open the gate or another way out? I have read about many other bugs in this quest but I can't find any info on this one.


have you get the real key from the orc(dont remember his name) who set you up? Just search his body for the real key, I had the same problem before but ppls here help me.

Edited by eregor2
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I haven't analyzed the quest in the CS, but if the game says that the gate has been opened, but it has not been, maybe things would work if you just used console command TCL to walk through the gate, and then turned TCL off again. You would then go talk to the quest-giver and see if the quest would complete.
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Here's one of my UESP Wiki quotes, this one from Caught in the Hunt:

Search Kurdan's body for a key. Go back inside the Hunter's Run and use the key on the first gate on your left. This gives you access to a lever which will open up the main exit gate on the outside.

Here's a link to a map of Fort Grief first level. You'll want to open door J, just inside the entrance, with the key you recover from Kurdan.

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Thanks for your replies. I did have the right key and I did use the right lever to open the gate. I had to use the console command tcl to walk through the gate then I was able to open the gate from the outside. I guess it is just another bug in the game.
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Bows and staffs are prone to that problem (as well as daedric weapons while you're in towers, but there they make an escape down the ramps).
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