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Tytanis Mod Dead?


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The Tytanis mod seemed to be a good collection of things, but it doesn't appear to have been updated in quite a while (relatively speaking)... some of the mods that were incorporated in it have released multiple updates in some cases... Is this dead?


I noticed that it's also dropped off the Top charts.

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I can understand if he's working on it, but after the first week i think it'd be acceptable with atleast an update on what's going on.


I can understand your point of view but i don't realy agree with it .


Mods require lots of hours of work to create and especialy a mod like this one , yet the people who do it gain nothing other than appreciation out of it . In a world like the one we live in , where nothing is free, i find it realy amazing that there are still people out there who are willing to share their work totally for free.


Now trying to follow that state of mind , since those people share their work for free, they are in no way bound to follow rules such as releasing regular updates or information. They don't have to feel any kind of pressure coming from people who downloaded their mods. These people still have to work for a living and once they come back home they are free to eihter keep working on their mods or simply rest and watch TV. It's totally up to them.


Now if they were getting paid for their mods it would be a totally different story but since they are doing it for free, they basicly don't owe you anything.


So like i said at the begining of the post, i do understand how frustrating it can be to not know what's going on but because we don't pay for mods we don't realy own the right to complain or put any kind of pressure on these guys.


I realy don't mean to offend you in any way with this post i was simply sharing my opinion on the matter

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I really can't talk directly about Tytanis exactly because it being a most extensive overhaul it is both vulnerable to that unstable phase of Skyrim patching and the lack of the CK practically stopping it's development at this point (reason I have not installed it to date).


Since the CK is nigh (as does the patch 1.4 official non beta), there is no reason at all for them to press up matters and it is totally understandable. So you just need a bit more patience for I'm sure that mod is all but dead.

Edited by nosisab
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