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Porting Content From Other Games - What's allowed?


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You may not upload content for Skyrim that contains any assets for DA2. Those look nice, but they will have to stay in your computer.


As far as the TOS, there are exceptions as stated when the developers have given us direct explicit permission in communication with site staff.


There is a broad exception for FAN ART that is completely fan made, recreated images from popular series, movies, games. As long as it is completely recreated from scratch it is allowed.


And the Rules also apply to the work of other modders and mods for other games.


You may not use modder created assets for Oblivion even if they were released as "Resources" to port into Fallout 3, New Vegas or Skyrim, for example, unless you have explicit new permission to port those to the new game from the original creator.


This is because many modders wish to port their own creations, even if they were previously released as resources for the earlier game.


This rule particularly is going to get a lot of people banned, because it's being vastly ignored.

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You may not use modder created assets for Oblivion even if they were released as "Resources" to port into Fallout 3, New Vegas or Skyrim, for example, unless you have explicit new permission to port those to the new game from the original creator.


This is because many modders wish to port their own creations, even if they were previously released as resources for the earlier game.


This rule particularly is going to get a lot of people banned, because it's being vastly ignored.


Maybe not so much "vastly ignored", but more "vastly not realized". This is the first that I have heard of this particular example. I will most certainly try to remember this. Thank you for that clarification.




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As far as the TOS, there are exceptions as stated when the developers have given us direct explicit permission in communication with site staff.




This needs clarification, does the developer need to be required to contact staff or would forwarding the permission granted email be sufficient? Because asking them to contact another party to repeat permission granted could potentially get ignored. I have permission to use assets from an FPS in any game I wish as long as it is not for profit but getting them to send permission for me to upload to some website would be near impossible. I dont know what I would port over... unless people want AK47's MP4's and the like.

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I really do not understand Bethesda not allowing content from previous games to be ported in, on a game that they clearly want people to mod the heck out of. If the developers of The Witcher 2 can be cool enough to not be protective of a series of pixels and polygons, then why can't Bethesda with their own games?


Obviously none of it is for profit, and Bethesda would make DLC that people would surely buy even if say...horse armor from Oblivion was ported into Skyrim. (just an example)


Don't get me wrong, I think it's their choice what they want people to do or not do with their game. I am just really curious what their exact reasoning is behind not allowing it.

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I really do not understand Bethesda not allowing content from previous games to be ported in, on a game that they clearly want people to mod the heck out of. If the developers of The Witcher 2 can be cool enough to not be protective of a series of pixels and polygons, then why can't Bethesda with their own games?


Obviously none of it is for profit, and Bethesda would make DLC that people would surely buy even if say...horse armor from Oblivion was ported into Skyrim. (just an example)


Don't get me wrong, I think it's their choice what they want people to do or not do with their game. I am just really curious what their exact reasoning is behind not allowing it.

It's really not a matter of what Bethesda will or will not allow. This a legal issue.


If someone has created content, whether it is another modder or a game developer, you have to get their explicit permission to use their content for another product. Whether or not you derive any profit from it is besides the point. The creator controls how and when their content is used.

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I really do not understand Bethesda not allowing content from previous games to be ported in, on a game that they clearly want people to mod the heck out of. If the developers of The Witcher 2 can be cool enough to not be protective of a series of pixels and polygons, then why can't Bethesda with their own games?

Bethesda have used outsourced licensed materials in previous games apparently. Well up to and including Ob at least, and it's assumed that the standard license would allow them to use them commercially and be distributed with the game. But that would probably be it, they wouldn't have any rights to grant permissions beyond that, so it's just a fat no go. If any of that true of course.

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I really do not understand Bethesda not allowing content from previous games to be ported in, on a game that they clearly want people to mod the heck out of. If the developers of The Witcher 2 can be cool enough to not be protective of a series of pixels and polygons, then why can't Bethesda with their own games?


Obviously none of it is for profit, and Bethesda would make DLC that people would surely buy even if say...horse armor from Oblivion was ported into Skyrim. (just an example)


Don't get me wrong, I think it's their choice what they want people to do or not do with their game. I am just really curious what their exact reasoning is behind not allowing it.


It's not really Bethesda that's an issue here but the Nexus policy on what is or is not allowed to be uploaded here. And the policy they have is for legal reasons, Say they(The Nexus) allowed anything from any game. Game company A finds a model and textures from there game here. Game A then contacts some lawyers and has The Nexus shut down for copyright infringement because they are hosting the files. That's why permission from the assets source for rights to use, modify, and distribute must be granted first. Oblivion as an example is a different game than Skyrim so the rule applies for using assets from it. Bethesda may not want some assets ported over to the newest title for whatever reason from they didn't create it and cannot grant rights to they have plans to use it later in DLC with everything inbetween.

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Bethesda has time and time again stated that it will not allow porting of assets from one of its game to another, and they are not going to change that policy. The Nexus will abide by the laws and rightly so. Those of you who think it's ok to violate the user agreement/license or Bethesda's copyrights (or any other IP owner for that matter), for what ever ill informed reason, could have a rude awakening in your future. :thumbsup:
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Well regardless...whatever reason Bethesda has for not allowing it, is flat out stupid. It is all there is to it. What have you seen that they themselves have ported from morrowind to oblivion, or from oblivion to skyrim? Nothing that I have seen.


Sure modders could recreate a previous game in the toolkit in skyrim, but it takes a lot of work, and people don't do that to avoid buying a previous game. I just can't see, for any legal or personal reason why this would be an issue. I mean really think about it instead of just saying "oh its the rules and law blah blah blah." What good reason would there be? I see that no harm that could be done if credit was given, and a really cool benefit for the community.


I know it will never change, but it would be cool if one of the higher ups in the company explained their reasons why. If someone can point me to an article that would satisfy my curiosity.

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