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Can't Log In to Nexus Mod Manager


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I have the same problem. i've tried several passwords each with a comination of letters and numbers. I tried reinstalling nnm. I tried registering a new account, It always comes back with:


"The given login information is invalid."


Edit -


Downloaded new version, working fine now!


This. Thank you.

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Just registered, validated my registration, now I can't log in because apparently this is yet another bullshit website that just f*#@s you around and tries to get you to pay to use there supposidly 'free' service. Bite me!

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  • 6 months later...

I just got this problem tonight after using NMM for a year with no trouble. And as you can see, I can login to the website just fine.


Additional info:


1. No special characters in passwords.

2. Reset password from website.

3. Updated to latest version (did it just minutes ago).


I'm posting this mostly to let everyone else know that this is a real problem. Previous responses from admin make it look like they're in denial that it could be anything other than user error.

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I'm having trouble too. Just like Mal NMM was working for me last week. I'm fully up to date, 0.45.7. I changed my password just in case, and both times they were only alpha-numeric - no special characters.


Edit: Just perused the forums a bit. Apparently, according to a few posts in some threads I read, NMM is offline currently, unassumingly tied in with the site updates and whatnot. Hope this helps.

Edited by misterbeefy117
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There's a message in the NMM login window:


"Nexus Mod Manager has been temporarily disabled
You can keep using Nexus Mod Manager in OFFLINE MODE clicking the OFFLINE button"


It's not going to work in online mode until that message is gone. It doesn't seem to work in offline mode either. I added a manually downloaded mod via NMM, but it does not appear in the list of added mods in the NMM interface, even though I can see the mod in the NMM mod folder. I had to add the mod by copying files myself.

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Did you add the mod by using the "Add mod" functionality inside NMM, or did you add it by copying the files in to the NMM folder? Of the two you should always use the "Add mod" feature inside NMM.

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I used the "Add mod" button. I restarted NMM, since sometimes that helps, but it still would not show the mod. I can try again today to see if it's still exhibiting the same behaviour.


UDPATE: I was able to add a mod successfully this time. It displays in the NMM list after adding it. Very mysterious.

Edited by blitzen
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It won't show the mod because it's in the "unassigned" category. NMM loses it's settings for "some" mods almost every start even though you've manually had it get the info and set the category manually. This is the major problem, you have to keep refreshing the mods to even know what they are. I have over 15 mods in the DL directory called "Main-xxxx" with the x being numbers. How could you possibly remember what these mods are or do without NMM keeping track?


Anyway I'm sure they'll have it working soon, but please could you make a quick update to NMM so that if a person manually gets the info for a mod using the info button and sets the category manually that NMM cannot change it itself, or even check it unless the person asks it too?

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