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[GUIDE] Manual Cleaning Skyrim and Skyrim Special Edition Master files


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Can this guide be used to clean Fallout 4 Master Files as well? Asking because LOOT almost gets a stroke every time I let it sort FO4 load order after I updated the game and the links provided by LOOT in the dirty plugs points at TES5Edit Cleaning Guide on Creation Kit.


Yes, the process works the same way for FO4. Clean the masters and double-check mod pages to make sure dirty edits are not intentional before cleaning them.

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First post updated : Recently Skyrim SE has been updated a few times, and additionally xEdit has now gone public with a release on Nexus of version 3.2.1, which has refined its record editing.

Skyrim LE results are unaffected when using the new xEdit, so no need to reclean for oldrim

Skyrim SE benefits quite a bit from recleaning, and the results / CRCs/ MD5 checksums are all now up to date in the OP for using xEdit v3.2.1

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question: do you have to reclean the esm for future patches? say you already cleaned the esms for .23.. can you still reuse them or no? Seeing as .39 really didn't change much of anything (save for the CC content).

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question: do you have to reclean the esm for future patches? say you already cleaned the esms for .23.. can you still reuse them or no? Seeing as .39 really didn't change much of anything (save for the CC content).


Only if they need re-cleaning because :


A ) The DLC plugin has been officially updated for some reason, and so has new records to be cleaned (Bethesda also use the CK, which notoriously introduces random wild edits into the published plugins)

B ) xEdit has been updated and due to new knowledge or advancements in understanding .. It is able to clean more records than previously. For Skyrim SE and the newer SSEEdit v3.2.1 the plugins needed re-doing because of SSEEdits better abilities to clean them compaired with the previous version of SSEEdits resulting cleaned plugins.


The further into development we go with both the game and xEdit, the rarer the need for A or B, because the games plugins and xEdit mature to the point where nothing more needs done. The only thing that remains a constant threat to the integrity of the plugins is the use of the CK by Bethesda introducing random wild edits, which should not happen if the CK was entirely reliable .. But that has never been the case, even going way back to the Oblivion game and its Contruction Set (early Creation Kit)

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  • 3 weeks later...

tyvm @alt3rn1ty for this guide!


But while following it step-by-step I wondered, if I should also activate the Master file each time. So I end up activating just the file I was going to edit. Later, after reading the discussion about cleaning BGS files or using unofficial patches, I found Sharlikrans screenshot concerning my issue. https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Skyrim_Dirty_Plugins_List Nevermind, I end up realizing that xEdit was using the needed master files anyway


So there should be no messing up, when just applying the filter option, no matter what dozens of plug-ins are activated I guess. Or am I supposed to compare 1 plugin to another anyway? I hope I'm going to find out.


I know I'm not in the position claiming help on my topic, but since you mention this cleaning up of BGS files could retain from using these unofficial patches. So this was exactly my reason dealing with the whole topic. Well, if someone cares: I finally got the display of Frostfalls warmth value working (ie. learning soft-modding topics, localization, data-types etc) only to realize that Frostfall is even using the HUD. That problem would be solved using SKSE64_2_00_07 and USSEP. But I'm forced to stick to Version 1.5.23 SSE :ninja: No snitching pls

Edited by Xuk3000
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  • 4 weeks later...

I have tried this and done it exactly right, but the second I do apple filter for cleaning on Update.esm, almost every other esm file is highlighted and colored red, I assume this is a problem however I do not know. Is this a problem?

You should only be loading Skyrim.esm and Update.esm when you are cleaning Update.esm. There are no ESMs to be highlighted and turn red.

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