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Does anyone happen to know if there's a "build your own fountain" set included with one of the many mods providing more stuff for settlement building? Working fountains that is.

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I had to use the one out of this;http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1478/? and add waterfall effects with BYOP. It turned out decent I think. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/65470


It took me 2-3 hrs mainly because the water pieces snap when you don't want them to. Eyeballing the geometry was tricky lol. :D

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AFAIK there are no "working" decorative fountains, but as Fkemman11 suggested, you an use one of the static ones that come with various mods, and then add waterfall effects with either B.Y.O.P or S.O.E. both have constructable water tiles and waterfall/splash tiles

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yup, those are awesome.

you can put them on an ambient quest timer and daily timers too.


there's nothing quite so awesome as folks seeing the daily Red Rocket Carwash at 11:59am

paddling pool, spa's. waterfalls. theres a lot that can be done with those.

it's a little fiddly, though the results are worth it.


I think they were working on timers and different liquids too. oil-sludge, foam/suds (laundromat quest), rad-tainted water (perfect for those humorous 'sewerage leaks"), water that changes color depending on your lighting conditions and viewing angle... that sort of thing

I do wonder where a lot of fountain mods went.



I hope there's some options for you;

what kind of fountain project did you have in mind?

new kinds of fountains, or stuff like a fountain orrery and astrolabe?

holographic fountain?

a waterfountain/sundial that is color coded to the time of day...


I'm looking forward to seeing where you'll build the fountains and what you can do with them bernt!

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Thank you for your answers. Definitely something to ponder :thumbsup:


@Ethreon: I was thinking of a fountain spraying water high in the air. As if you hold a spray nozzle vertical.


@fkemman11: Not quite what I was thinking of. But a good idea nonetheless. It is looking very good in your pic and I think I'll try to do something along those lines. I am already fiddling with the waterfall stuff from BYOP but I was unaware that Homemaker had these fountains. And - yes- those water tiles can be a royal pain in the behind. Even using Place everywhere :sweat:


@Ferraine: Thank you. I'll have to check out the SOE stuff too.


@montky: As I said to etthreon - I'd like a fountain spurting water vertically into the air; not in any particular style. But what fkemman came up with has defintely caught my fancy :smile:

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