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Purchasing shops like in the Fable series


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Ok so I have edited this post to be a clear outline of what I would like to see in the game. The main purpose of this mod is to keep your money flowing, so that there is always a reason to pick up every piece of loot that is worth carrying. I believe this is a huge part of what keeps Skyrim, and other elder scroll games fun.



First off, there would be a sign outside every shop in cities that have a Jarl. Clicking on this offers money to purchase partnership of the shop with the shop owner. After purchasing, a lockbox appears outside the shop next to the door that fills with gold, up to a maximum that is 10% of the cost to purchase the shop. This can be collected once per week.


The reason I suggest a lockbox outside of the building, is to avoid loading screens just to collect your money. It would also avoid having to add any new dialogue or voice acting to any of the shop merchants, and shops can be bought when the shop is closed at night.


The advantage to this is you could spend thousands of gold initially to make money less useless, but after collecting your money 10 times per shop, you turn a profit. Imagine if that 200k you are carrying around could actually be invested in something to give it use again. This is just the first part of the mod that allows characters to be involved in it from lower level all the way up to a higher level. Remember I am trying to keep us broke so money is always important.


Now I bet you are saying "Aren't you just moving money around and going to end up with even more useless gold?" YES! But you will need that gold for a higher purpose, and I am just keeping you broke initially buying those shops.


Now the rest of this is all going to need to be playtested to get the right variables, but for now I am going to say once you purchase 3-5 shops in a particular city, then a quest pops up to speak to the Jarl. The Jarl gives you a piece of paper basically recommending you for owning your own section of land, and to be able to construct your own hold that you can be Jarl of. Once you have recommendations from every Jarl, yet another quest will start.


You will be directed to an empty section of land where a job foreman would be along with some workers. After giving him a decent amount of gold to start construction of the keep (lets say something along the lines of 50k), they will go to work and after 1 week it will be finished. This will serve as a really nice player home.


Then after that is complete, you can purchase an alchemy, arcane, and general goods shop seperately. These shop owners would also have their own homes. You will also be able to purchase walls to surround these buildings that would attach to the keep. You could purchase guards that cost a weekly fee. They can live in a barracks. You can also hire your own housecarl that gives you bounty quests. Maybe you can even name one of your followers as being your Thane.


Other ideas include:


-Having weekly raids on your hold by bandits or a dragon, and you can be required to create a certain number of weapons and armor to defend the attacks. I'm thinking a full set for each of the guards you have. Failure to do so could result in shops being destroyed.

-Tax ideas have floated around, but that might overcomplicate the formula a bit much.

-Furnishing your keep is also an option for a money sink


If you have any more ideas, post them! I really want to keep this thread alive and get it enough attention to be completed. This is a mod that would keep your character busy from creation until you decide to shelve it.


If someone wants to take this project on in whole or in part, be my guest.

Edited by thedemoninside
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Maybe owning 100k worth of shops in each hold can make the money in the lockboxes regenerate faster. Or maybe a perk that increases speachcraft in some way?


Could just be something as simple as adding a perk point to spend however you choose after owning 100k worth of shops per town.


I'm not surprised this is on page 2 with 11 views and none of them thought it was interesting enough to comment on. Not because the mod idea is bad, but because the kids in this section of the forum are too busy suggesting impractical, or just plain stupid mods.

Edited by thedemoninside
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I agree, having people comment on giant toads rather than real ideas is kinda irritating.


Sounds good, and I don't see how this could be very hard. After all, Skyrim already has an option for accumulating gold and then receiving it in marriage. I see no reason for shops not to have this option. Also, why do the strongobxes never respawn? :( So hard to get gold at low levels.

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I agree, having people comment on giant toads rather than real ideas is kinda irritating.


Sounds good, and I don't see how this could be very hard. After all, Skyrim already has an option for accumulating gold and then receiving it in marriage. I see no reason for shops not to have this option. Also, why do the strongobxes never respawn? :( So hard to get gold at low levels.


Thanks! I thought it seemed real easy to mod in as well. It might be better though if the outside lockboxes respawned once per week instead of constantly adding gold one peice at a time, as that would probably be easier to script.


Also to increase mod compatability since every town merchant would be affected, I was thinking a sign or something could be added to the outside that you would purchase the shop through. This way everything that is added is new and won't affect other mods

Edited by thedemoninside
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I haven't played much of daggerfall, couldn't get the combat to work right, but apparently this was available in it. I don't see any reason that shouldn't have become customary of this franchise.


The first one I played in the series was Morrowind. its interesting to know that this used to be a feature. I think the hero should be able to be involved in more than just buying gear, saving the world, and having a shallow marriage lol. He should have an influence on the real estate market as well.


Hopefully someone will come along and make marriage more like fable as well.

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Hmm I think this is a really good idea. Problem is, you are just creating the illusion of needing more money. If you have the money needed to sink into the estate in this mod, then surely you don't actually need any more money, so why buy the estate? Great idea, but I think you might want to consider adding some nice tasty gold sinks into the game other than buying estate for estates sake.
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Great idea, a mod like this would be good as i cant seem to empty my pockets from all that gold am carrying.

Anyway collers makes a good point, a suggestion, the player has to pay a weekly tax or the jarl of that hold seizes the store and guards come to kick you out! :laugh:

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