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Update 1.4 Beta on Steam


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Just tried out the beta myself a bit tonight.


I can definitely say there is a performance improvement for Markarth. I was using TESVAL before but removed it for the beta.

I did have some stutter issues upon first playing in the open world with cell loading, but a hard save and reload seemed to help smooth that out.


I am getting an audio bug occasionally when the loading screen or map screen comes up. A loud white noise that lasts only a couple of seconds. Be careful if you're playing if the volume up.


Game froze up on me near Karthwasten. Haven't have that happen before.


I'm using SKSE, updated to the beta build along with the tytanis mod.

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I was worried to apply the beta patch since I was running quite a few mods that need SKSE, plus skyboost and SKSE launcher extender. I looked but didn't see any obvious answer to my concern, "will my modded game run with the beta patch without too much fuss?"


answer, Yes.


- currently running the most recent skyui and Ihud (but without scriptdragon), better sorting, , tytanis, realistic lighting w'o post processing, and a few others that should not be affected by the updates, basically bunches of retexes.


I removed skyboost and SKSE launcher extender. Then I installed the new SKSE 1.4.05 and downloaded the new beta patch. I checked that everything was active in wrye smash and guess what?


The game runs. I have not noticed any bad behavior (hits to FPS) or any gains (however, considering I was using two mods to improve gameplay, and now only the patch, that says something good).


It runs, basically like it did before. Now, since I loaded an existing save that was well established/developed in the game, I noticed immediately that some of the quest bugs still existed, however, I am hopeful that my next character (since will likely be after the beta period is over) will go smoother.


Things that the beta patch changed (read, the bare minimum that need back-uped in case the patch and my (your) current build do not get along):





(possibly, maybe)

strings/Update_English (three files)



Hope that helps, happy gaming

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Does anyone know if this patch fixes the annoying, Nightingale Hall/Karliah missing bug?


I haven't checked. I'll go look now.


thanks its really annoying not having a restored nightingale hall...and replaying from a previous save didnt seem to fix it for me.


Not fixed. She's still hanging out in the ruin.


Damn..even though it isnt game breaking its still pretty annoying...cmon bethesda fix it.


Maybe when the CK comes out, a modder will fix it.


Hopefully its possible

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Well, I just tried again, and "Dampened Spirits" still isn't starting up properly when it should.


Also have a weird stuttering in the upper right hand of the screen, and had my first ctd ever when trying to move towards Riften.


Patch does nothing to solve my major problems even though it says it should [rage].

Edited by DarkArk139
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Guys, some of you test the 1.4 Beta with mods. This is senseless at all. If you want to valuate, have all Mods like SKSE / TESVAL /SkyBoost etc disabled. Also those, which have to be activated in the Data Menu of the Loader.


I am also having a significant (up to 25%) performance boost, no sound - looping, no "new problems" so far, but, nevertheless, it's a beta, so i will just go and reinstall clean for using my mods again ;)


Glad to see, however, there is progress. Only the full 1.4 will show, what exactly will happen.

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I got the beta patch. I can say that there is a definite improvement in FPS for me. Also, I fought a dragon and it looked like the entire battle sequence was revamped. I noticed that the dragon was circling much higher above ground than before and then doing huge dives down to attack. I don't know if the patch caused this or it was just a weird occurance, because I have no dragon related mods and the patch doesn't say it changes dragon behaviour.
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Here are my performance numbers with vanilla Skyrim (no mods or ini-tweaks and default ultra setting). Intro sequence taken with Fraps (the autosave dip appeared at the same second so the numbers are in correct sync). Tested v1.3 with and without Skyboost, and the new Skyrim 1.4 beta.






The numbers are less spread than my previous tests, which is logical because I ran those with ugrids 9 and a lot of mods making CPU performance much more important even in the intro sequence.

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I had the first ctd's after I installed the new version. Maybe it's because of the 20~ish mods I have although I haven't installed any new mods. Maybe because of the SKSE or skyboost or TESVAL or something because I'm a bit confused with all that :P
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@babis8142: You shouldn't use Skyboost or TESVAL with Skyrim 1.4 beta. I'd guess that they just wont run, but good to remove them anyway. For SKSE there is an update, but some plugins aren't updated yet. If you use it for SkyUI, that mod can run anyway but miss some functionality. There will probably be more mod updates soon, especially after Skyrim 1.4 is officially released (and later the CK too).
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I had the first ctd's after I installed the new version. Maybe it's because of the 20~ish mods I have although I haven't installed any new mods. Maybe because of the SKSE or skyboost or TESVAL or something because I'm a bit confused with all that :P


From what I understand the patch corrects what TESVAL and Skyboost were meant to do so it would be best to not use those with the patch. Some people are suspecting that SKSE might be causing some instability with the beta patch. I've a had a few freezes and audio issues probably due to that. It's still a beta and early at that, so some issues are to be expected.

I imagine these issues will get ironed out with the final patch.

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