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ENBoost: d3d9.dll Launcher Crash (New to ENB Stuff)


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So before I begin, I have no intention of getting an "ENB Preset" at the moment, I merely want to improve my game's memory usage.


That being said I immediately went to ENBoost because of people saying how reliable it can be. I seem to get quite a bit of crashes going into certain cells after certain periods of time. I got into a cave with two (2) trolls, fast traveled back to Whiterun, then went to Dragonsreach to disenchant something and left. Afterwards I tried going into Belethor's shop, and I got a CTD because of "Skyrim Failed to Allocate memory!" or something like that. And so here I am.


Immediately upon downloading and extracting the required files (Wrapper Version, as I read in the ENBoost Guide), I went to launch my game, and the Launcher crashes with a "Skyrim Launcher is not responding" message. And this only happens with d3d9.dll still inside the folder. If it is removed, it works as normally as it ever would.


Clearly this file is part of what I need, but I find it odd how it can't operate correctly. Could somebody explain and maybe help me configure this whole thing here?



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