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Bare Necessities Issue


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With Wrye Mash installed follow this procedure to clean a savegame:


Firstly, initial cleaning of your installed mods:

(1) On the Mods tab all mods should have a green checkbox.

(2) If any mods have a yellow checkbox, select them and then look for the

Save button in the bottom right. Click that and the mod file will be

updated and the error removed. The error just means that the mod was

created with an earlier version of Morrowind to the one you're using.

Saving in Mash will update this version info.

(3) If you have any mods with red checkboxes then you do not have a ESM

file needed by that mod loaded. Check the mod's readme.


Secondly, cleaning your savegames:

(4) Onto the Saves tab, select the savegame you want to fix.

(5) When the savegame is selected the list in the bottom right will be

populated with the mods currently associated with the savegame.

(6) Right click the column headers ("File" and "Num") and choose Sync to

Load List (this will change the mods associated with the savegame to

match those currently selected on the Mods tab).

(7) Click Save

( :cool: Right click the savegame and choose Repair All.

(8a) Optionally, right click the savegame and choose Remove > Debris Cells.

(9) The checkbox for the save should now be purple.

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  • 1 year later...

With Wrye Mash installed follow this procedure to clean a savegame:


Firstly, initial cleaning of your installed mods:

(1) On the Mods tab all mods should have a green checkbox.

(2) If any mods have a yellow checkbox, select them and then look for the

Save button in the bottom right. Click that and the mod file will be

updated and the error removed. The error just means that the mod was

created with an earlier version of Morrowind to the one you're using.

Saving in Mash will update this version info.

(3) If you have any mods with red checkboxes then you do not have a ESM

file needed by that mod loaded. Check the mod's readme.


Secondly, cleaning your savegames:

(4) Onto the Saves tab, select the savegame you want to fix.

(5) When the savegame is selected the list in the bottom right will be

populated with the mods currently associated with the savegame.

(6) Right click the column headers ("File" and "Num") and choose Sync to

Load List (this will change the mods associated with the savegame to

match those currently selected on the Mods tab).

(7) Click Save

( :cool: Right click the savegame and choose Repair All.

(8a) Optionally, right click the savegame and choose Remove > Debris Cells.

(9) The checkbox for the save should now be purple.


Saves are what are causing the mod failure to load properly in old Saves. Starting a New Game showed my update to the mod loaded after I fixed it in the CK it worked. But the Save Game files caused the problems. Doubling; door frames missing, etc..


So how do I update this so it doesn't cause the person updating it from NexusMods the same problem?\

How do I make it so it doesn't get corrupted by their latest Save?

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