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Where did they come from?


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Hi i have been curious of late as to where all the trolls swarming the nexus since the release of skyrim have come from. On the majority of mods these days there are troll comments and plain ignorant comments what happened to the "if you dont like it move on" approach that the nexus has always seemed to have? I keep seeing new mod authors make a decent mod but the textures could use some work or other things like that, these things take practice, and yet people (in general less than a month on the nexus with 4 posts and no mods) feel the need to leave hateful comments about how bad it is with no constructive criticism to be found in there generalized "this is crap make something usefull or GTFO" styled comments. Surely these people can see that they have no obligation to dl and use things they dont like and surely they realize free content may not always be of the highest quality but it comes down to two words... It's free. therefore you cant hate on it according to the laws of everything awesome (no serioulsy look it up, rule 68 of everything awesome states that "free stuff is awesome no matter what") I personally feel bad dl'ing some of this content as i have never been a huge contributer to this site i have zero mods and less than a hundred posts so i never really give anything back to the community (ill oneday release something im just self concious about my quality, i swear it has nothing to do with lazyness on my behalf and a short attention span that would cause me to abandon mods at random offering no support because i seemingly dissapear from the site for months at a time). Granted we all go through the lack of understanding and leave comments that seem dumb thinking back on it but these trolls are just plain rude so after my random rant that probabaly doesnt make sense at parts I have a question for the community

Where did the internet trolls come from? (and i mean in the beginning not just here, im mostly bored wanting to see comedic creative responses that will make people chuckle)

Sorry for the long rant


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It happens whenever a new game is released... lots of kids* start playing the latest and greatest games on offer. They feel the need to be anti-social for various reasons - attention, feeling of power, cyber-bullying, breaking (social) rules just for kicks and so on. Being one of the biggest Skyrim sites on the net, Nexus does get a fair share of these kids.


*By kids, I refer to mental age, not physical. I've met many young people who were well mannered and mature, as well as older folk who were plain immature and nasty.


As for how a non-modder can contribute to the site... by downloading a mod, you are contributing. :) Modders upload mods as they want to share them, so it makes them happy if someone downloads it. But the biggest thrill comes from a player leaving an endorsement and a nice comment saying that they enjoyed the mod. So even if you have nothing interesting to add, it's definitely okay to comment "Thanks for this mod." :)

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As Lanceor says, this tends to happen when new games are released, not only do they not know how mods work but they're also ignorant of the way the community works. Combine that with a lack of basic manners, an over inflated sense of entitlement, the IQ of a lemon and what we've seen is the result. It'll get worse with the release of the CK, they'll be making all sorts of demands and abusing those who fail to comply with those demands. We can also look forward to an influx of irrate players who have gone mad with Steams one click mod install and turned their games into a train wrecks, such joy awaits.
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I realised we may get lucky they may all migrate to steam workshop where they can troll to their hearts content without fear of our mighty moderators wrath. Is there any greater satisfaction than reporting a troll checking back 5 minutes later to see a normally comical comment from a moderator and a new member on the banned list... gotta enjoy the little things in life. Though i believe that Yoshh has insulted lemons im pretty sure lemons have a slightly higher IQ. I was thinking about the steam one click modding... that cant end well how are they going to deal with conflicts, so back to the other topic i believe trollin can flourish there where they may actually have a reason to be so angry. on the plus side trolls seem to have very short attention spans so those not destroyed by the moderators will get bored in another month or so and move on. Im still saying they came from the fifth dimension... theres a shortage of chairs over there, which could explain the trolls anger
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