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What on earth was Bethseda thinking with their Frankenstein


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I liked the hair styles, not everyone wants to look like a weeaboo! :D But of course there could have been more of them, including ones that look more "modern" and not just the viking/medieval looks.
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Hair? Whats wrong with the hair compared to the rest of the engine? The hair seems on par with everything else: not completely realistic but good enough to not break immersion.
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I liked the hair styles, not everyone wants to look like a weeaboo! But of course there could have been more of them, including ones that look more "modern" and not just the viking/medieval looks.



Well the whole game is in a medieval setting. It's only obvious that their hairstyle is gonna be medieval. Although i'm sure there is or there will be a mod out there that will add new hairstyles and possibly some more modern ones. But to expect the developpers to include modern stuff in a medieval game is not a very reasonable expectation.



I'm just irritated that the short elven hair isn't available on all the women.



Bethesda wanted to make every races different and i can't blame them. But like i said above, i'm sure someone will come up with a hair mod that will allow you to simply use any hairstyle on anyone and i wouldn't be surprised if such a mob already existed .

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I see a lot of complaints about the hair in Skyrim, not just here but elsewere. People seem to want that fine, freshly washed look, because it's more 'realistic'.


Let me ask two questions, one follows the other. First, have you ever seen someone's hair after it hasn't been washed for a month? Second, how many showers/bathtubs do you see in Skyrim?


And don't pull the 'Wash in a river' schtick. The temperature in Skyrim is, at best, hovering aruond 0 celcius. Bathing in any body of water, asside from a hot spring, is a quick way to freeze to death. Even then, theres no soap, so all your doing is getting your hair wet.


I agree that there is limited choice when picking hairstyles across different races, but theres a point to that. The Altmer are going to be prone to different styles than the Dunmer, and their both going to look different than the Bosmer. By and large, you're unlikely to see stylistic overlap, just like how in our world it's rare to see a White guy with dreadlocks. Not impossible, of course, but not common.


There will be a mod to change that, of course, just like there will be one to give everyone freshly shampoo'd and conditioned hair which would make a super-model jelous. In fact, there already are some of those. Itboils down to asthetic vs immersion, and the system in place (Despite being starved for choice and being of relatively poor quality texturing from the onset) leans towards immersion.

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