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Gaint Bug Kills Skyrim


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I am that close I can see Skyhaven in the distance, I am on the bridge to the west. But as soon as I reach the end of the bridge, whammo. Same as when I reach the mine to the east. Or step out of the temple after I coc there. Copying my data files now, going to completely reinstall the game.
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Well, I give up, tried everything everyone has suggested and no go. Joined the beta, complete reinstall, uninstall/reinstall. Verified integrity. Deleted ever mod file virtually and nothing.


Time for a freeking refund!!!!!!!!!!!


Can you post your system specs and the version of your current graphics driver? when was the last time you updated your graphics driver? If you've done all that and still get a crash, one you can reproduce as reliably as that, it sounds like either something terribly wrong with your computer hardware, or a graphics rendering bug that occurs when something specific to that location gets referenced... it would be helpful if you keep playing and just stay away from that area, and try to see if anywhere else in the game causes you to reliably crash in teh same way... because right now the list of things it could possibly be are too big to work with.

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FOUND IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's a freeking bad mesh in forsworn armour.


I started a new game after a total reinstall, got to riverwood and coc to skyhaven, step outside and crash. Removed every mod file, still a crash, removed textures and meshes, no crash, put textures back, no crash. Put meshes back, crash. Removed all my forwsorn armour meshes and no crash. Hope thats it. Had a hunch!


Thanks for all help, will now reload old saves and see what happens.

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You should thank sergiobor, he suggested uninstalling your mods in post #7. Im kind of surprised you didnt try that before a complete uninstall/reinstall... whatever you may have read, the game is not that unstable; Ive even managed to recover save files from a game that was suffering 'unrecoverable' uGrids experimentation when so many players say to throw in the towel. Hope you have an enjoyable and bug-free game from now on :)
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What threw me is the game is normally so forgiving with meshes or textures, I have payed a little with them and errors come up as coloured artifacts. No such thing this time, crashing when I got anywhere near a NPC witht he bad mesh, thats a first for me. I did a reinstall but that does not change or remove your new meshes and textures.


Thanks again to everyone.

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