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Badass Samurai-like looking Daedra Armors


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Aw man, i really like that ninja armor ! If made together with the other samurai armors, it would add a nice variety to the daedra (and for those who dont like them on daedra, the armors can be put in a standalone bundle). Maybe some extra daedric ninjas's can be made with the CK, so that they sometimes try to kill you out in the wilderness and/or after you wake up from resting (like some mods do in Oblivion).


But therefor a pleasant modder has to give his OK for doing the armors/helmets first. :smile:

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I have to agree that daedric armor looks like arse.


Actually, I find more powerful armor generally looks crappier then lesser armor. I'd say in the look department Iron > Steel > Ebony > Glass > Dragon > Deadric. It's like they were trying too hard to make the higher stuff "cool" and it ends up looking like a silly Halloween costume.


It's telling the dragonborn in Bethesda's trailers just wears bandit armor. Cause he's a bad-ass.

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i like




elven (could make some slightly more samurai version of elven whilst keeping the slender plates design)








probably ebony if not for the pauldrons.


Anyway- the following could have samurai/asian versions whilst still being lore friendly

Leather (khajit armour sounds like samurai armour, so it could be bought of their traders)

iron / steel/ebony- similar


Orcish (there are many strongholds, so this is ok)

Daedric can be whatever you want. It might even be lore friendly to have a less "evil daedric" due to having a variety of daedra

Glass could make the most awesome spikey thing ever,,, But only morrowind glass - Skyrim glass is bs

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Yes. They look nice till steel plate armor. The orcish armor is also okay. But the other higher armors really destroy the feeling of the awesome atmosphere and the seriousness and danger in Skyrim, because you look like some sort of a superhero or supervillain.

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I support ANSWERME with both hands. As heavy or light armor those style is too good to be trown away. Even as stand alone mod with stats about the best armors. Not overpowered, of course.

I admit, the variety of heavy armors in Skyrim is astonishing .... low, while he quantity of fancy light armor mods with ridiculous stats seems endless.


I wish to add my personal supplication for help to any modder looking arround.

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