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The Main Core


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This is just a story focussed around my grandfather's journal, recovered during a very recent fight in Iraq, where he was gunned down. I read the pages, and came up with this. It's not revolved around any video game or something like that, but around a mission that was performed in real life. (No real names, ages, etc, were used in this story)


Callsign ECHO 9-7: All squad members KIA 6/15/11


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If war had a purpose, then the world would always be at war.


The sound of engines and gunshots could be heard from the vast desert wasteland, where a Taliban Militia were ripping a city in Iraq up. Just a normal day in the country for a US marine.


"Burns! Wake up!" The 31 year old marine's eyes shot open as the jeep he was in began to rattle. An explosion could be heard outside, as the whole jeep came to a quick halt. The RPG rocket didn't impact the jeep directly, but it was procedure for the driver to stop and evac the vehicle in a situation like this. The marine squad with the callsign ECHO 9-7 left the vehicle, pulling facemasks up and bandana's designed to blend in with the terrian. The squad members had a mix of M4's, M16's, M14's, and assigned M9's. Frag grenades and ammo lined belts strapped around they're chests.


"Warlord, this is Echo 9-7, we are moving through the city on foot," the main recon speaker said.


"Roger. Engage enemy personel at you're discretion." The squad leader, a man by the code name of "Worm" took his combat knife out and took a kneel.


"Listen up team. This militia seems a little more prepared then we expected. All unknowns are hostile. Spot targets and shout positions. All that normal stuff. But our real plan starts when we run out there. Our goal is still the office building where the main base will be set. We secure that using explosive breaches and deadly force. Ready?" The marine by the code name of "Scream" nodded. The marines jumped the debris from the crumbling stone buildings and ran for cover. As they ran, shots from lightweight but deadly AK-47's could be heard, and the bullets pounded the sand. Scream took cover by a stone wall, and prepared a frag grenade. He threw it, and it exploded in the center of a militia team, securing the exit point.


"We need to cut through on more close quarters," a man by the code name of Smiley suggested.


"Agreed. Through that alley looks good enough," Worm replied. The other marines nodded, cutting through a narrow alley, but only to be met by a moving squad of the militia.


"Open fire!" Burns shouted. His codename was "Gnome," achieved because of his small size. The marines switched the Taliban squad off, and took some time to reload weapons. Worm looked to the left and right of the exit of the alley.


"Seems we got left. We'll get to the target building quicker," he said. They rushed out, running for the target. A truck drove by, into the alley, loaded with a high .50 CAL machine gun.


"Get you're heads down!" Smiley shouted. The gunner fired upon the marines, and one shot hit Scream in the thigh. He fell to the floor, but crawled to cover.


"9-bang out!" Gnome threw a 9-bang, a flashbang with 9 flashes, used only by the Americans. Another speciality. It exploded, blinding and impairing the gunner. The marines popped out, shooting the gunner.


"He's down!" Worm shouted. The squad rushed to the attention of a downed marine.


"Can you walk?" Smiley asked.


"Oh yeah, I can get right back up and feel fresh as a daisy. WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE?" Scream was holding a small firearm, his M9, as his M16 laid at his side. "Leave me behind. No use paying attention to someone who will slow you down."


"No. No man gets left behind. That's a major rule in the USMC. Private, patch him up. He's coming with us," Worm said. Gnome nodded, and pulled a small pouch out, tending to the wound of the fellow marine.


"I still won't be able to walk. Or stand, for that matter," Scream said.


"Then I guess we'll carry you," Worm replied.


"Like a wittle baby," Smiley added on.


"Oh, hahaha." Scream flinched as Gnome cut the patch, and sealed it on. Worm helped Scream up, and helped him walk as well.


"We need a real medic," Gnome said.


"Yeah. Take that up with the commander. For now we have a job to do." The squad continued for the target building.


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When the marines arrived at the building, the main door was locked up tight. The marines reloaded guns from previous engagments, and made sure they had plenty of ammo.


"Gnome, kick charge, now," Worm said. Gnome nodded, placing a kick charge on the door. It detonated, and the marines popped inside, shooting the militia members they saw inside. Several unarmed ones turned around.


"On the ground! NOW!" Smiley shouted. The group broke apart, but didn't get too far before feeling the power of a gun.


"Warlord, this is Echo 9-7, target building is breached."

Edited by SubjectProphet
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"Copy that. Continue to the top floor." Worm placed Scream down by a wall.


"He has a broken blood vessal! He's going to bleed dry!" Worm said.


"The only thing we can do for him is keep him from losing all his blood in that vessal. Keep pressure on his thigh and have him keep it straight," Gnome replied.


"Gnome, Smiley, you two keep going up, I'll make sure Scream stays alive. And that's an order." Worm waved them off. Gnome and Smiley ran up some metal stairs, and met some Taliban militia on the second floor.


"Drop 'em!" Gunfire filled the room as bullets flew everywhere. Gnome gunned down some of the Taliban militiants standing near a wall, and a flashbang drummed on his left ear, but didn't really hit his sight as he closed his eyes quickly. He shot down some of the last militiants.


"Now imagine the remaining 5 floors of that," Smiley said. They continued onto the 4th floor, before Worm came on the coms.


"We're pinned down! Need help! You two, get back down-" it was cut off by the scream of Worm, as gunshots managed to destroy the radio they had.


"We have to turn back!" Gnome shouted.


"Too late for that! We let them come to us! Remember what Worm said!" Smiley replied.



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That's it. Just a short story. I didn't end it well, I know, but seriously, why would I? That was basicly where the building collapsed, and the squad was found KIA.


Hope you enjoyed. Might not be my only post here, I have some story writing skills.

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Amazing writing and fascinating because it is based on real events. :thumbsup:

Kudos! :dance:

Edited by Maharg67
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