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Your Trump Card?


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Poison, strike, poison, strike, poison, strike, etc...

And if I really start to lose I'll use some poisons of paralysis or a potion of invisibility.



I also jump into a lake or river and stay underwater with a potion of waterbreathing. That one was better in Oblivion though, when I could actually make a lot of potions of waterbreathing and attack underwater.


I'm always some kind of alchemist, btw. I mix alchemy with whatever class I use.


Or this^ Restoration really sucks compared to Alchemy.

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My Nord Bato is a walking trump card lol.


Since he's a Paladin build, I just FUS ROH DAH my enemies away, use close wounds to repair my health and stamina, then charge back into battle. I'm playing him DiD and I've managed to get to level 36, so it works pretty well.


I guess if you twisted my arm, I'd admit to using Sanguine's rose when I need to draw enemy fire, but it's a similar distraction so I can use restoration magic.

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Change tactics.


I mean, seriously, it really depends on who, what, when, where, and why. There isn't just one backup plan for every encounter. Running from a bear or dragon doesn't always work. Potions run out. Some places are cramped, some are wide open, sometimes there's water nearby, etc. That scroll you were saving, oops, already used it.


The only thing I maybe try to save for emergencies are my shouts. But sometimes, I'm surprised by an attack, accidentally shout first at a charging saber cat...

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When you're in a heated conflict between you and your foe(s), you find that your character to be losing, what do you do to to turn the tides? Do you cast your ultimate spell? Perhaps you use a scroll? Perhaps a shout?

Talk about your method of flipping the tables upon your foe(s) here.


For me, I would most likely use the combination of the Ethereal shout along with a master destruction scroll such as Blizzard. My enemies won't be able to hit me and I am able to hit them, providing that I time the casting correctly.


From my MMO Experience I have this outlook: The less enemies I am fighting at once, the better. I will make sure to attack whatever enemy is attacking my companion, During encounters where I am way overpowered, I stay on the move. Even though I have block and heavy armor, it is important to be able to dodge and escape hits. I will run around pillars, rocks and buildings or walls to try to get enemies split up and separated, then I will attack the enemy that is separated from the group. I attack the mages first because they have no ability to block. I also bring LOTS of paralysis potions for tough encounters. If I time it correctly and position myself correctly the toughest enemy in the room is on the ground for 7 seconds, leaving enough time to mop up the enemies that have the worst defense (mages, archers) that typically are the greatest nuisance to my melee character.


When I can't separate enemies or paralyze them I often will just power attack and run away, heal (Restoration is the only school I practice), potion up and rinse/repeat. I don't have as many options as a mage/archer or a hybrid, but my strategy works 9/10 times. And in that 1/10 times I gain a level or two, come back better prepared, and steamroll my enemies.

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Running is my tried and true means of winning a fight. 'cause if I ain't dead when the fight ends, I win. Even if the other guy isn't dead either. I call those situations, "draws" and am just glad I still have whatever I bighanded from him.
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If things are grim, then I'll usually run back a tiny bit, just to get the enemies to group together. Then I-




I find against humanoids, it usually removes them from combat for 10-15 seconds (between air time and standing up again).


During that interval, I'll use a heal spell to get some health back, then close to melee range and get a few blows on either the toughest guy or the one with the shield (since shields negate a ton of damage when you're using unarmed combat). Usually I can get 3-4 blows before they recover enough to block or retaliate.



Or, if I'm outdoors, I'll just storm call. Because its awesome.


Generally, I use my Shout as an ace up the sleeve, rather than on a regular basis.

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One word: Wabbajack.


My poison master build is insanely powerful (ever since I hit 25). I can one hit near anything, if I even need to hit (thank goodness for reverse pickpocket). The suckiest part, though, is fighting undead, given their immunity to poison. I'm doing pretty well now at level 38, but before I hit that level, I made liberal use of wabbajack

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