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Mass Effect Andromeda Modding


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No, your character appearance is stored in your save file. What you are seeing there are references to asset data stored in other bundles that is used during character creation. Gibbed has an empty repo for a MEA save editor, so eventually he may release a tool that will allow you to edit your character's appearance. I would suggest though that something end-user ready is probably months away given that he hasn't finished his main MEA tool code or (seemingly) even started work on the save editor yet.

Thanks for your reply, like I said before, I don't have enough knowledge about programming, I would like this, but is good to know that there´s someone working in a character editor tool.

The only thing I can do is wait then. I belive this tool is necessary, because I do not understand what BIOWARE did with the female main character of the game, it is completely different from the reference model, the male, I think is ok.

Edited by SnakeOne
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If you are talking about editing the game assets (changing textures and/or meshes), then that is a different thing. It should be feasible to edit textures in the coming weeks, but meshes are probably going to take a while. And if DAI is anything to go by, only minor tweaks of existing meshes will be feasible. I wouldn't get your hopes up about radical changes being possible (i.e. don't expect character mods like in Bethesda games).
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all. Its been a while since I was active on the modding scene. I have been looking at ME:A and honestly, it's shocking how far our once loved Bioware has fallen. This game doesn't just need mods, it needs a complete rewrite and character model rework. I have seen the writing described as "sub par", that is being extremely kind IMO. What bothers me more is the shift by Bioware away from supporting the modding community. I can forgive a bad game with official modding tools, I can accept a decent game without them, what I can't stomach is a game that should be good but isn't and leaves you no avenues to correct it. I have always loved a "fixer upper", hell I like modding more than playing anyway. I had hoped that ME:A would provide me with a creative outlet (definitely a fixer upper) but it seems Bioware have completely forgone modding tools since DA:O. I think the worst game is the one that does so much right yet ends up being so terribly lacking. What happened to the standard of writing from Bioware we all once knew and loved?


So, enough preamble, I have a few questions:


1. I see mention of polly pushing mesh editing possibly being on the table, is this true or is there no consensus yet?

2. Will it be possible to rewrite portions of the dialogue/story?

3. Will it be possible to add missions, NPCs etc?


If the answers to any of these is no, I guess I will be looking for another title to lose myself in :down:

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I'm totally new to modding but not computer animation, writing, and 3d modeling. Looking at your point #2, I see the potential in rewriting some dialogue and story if it can be salvaged by either clipping and pasting some dialogue as it is or getting as close to possible new VO to rerecord. Out of sync lip animation may occur but you can get around this by cutting to the other person or people in the scene while the character is talking. It's a bit of a mess so I'm not even sure if it's possible to work with so much to do over.


I'm very interested in if there is a possibility to add missions and such. That's one of the things I really loved about DA:O but with Frostbite...not sure if it is possible.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey all. Ok, I have version 1.05 of the game (not upgrading it further, and I am ok with this). Problem is, I know there were mods made for this version, and I have the MEAExplorer. But, I am having issues...


Issue #1: When I try to use MEAX on 3 files, I get this:


"Running Job 'Replacement by SHA1' with Plugin 'SHA1 Export/Import'...

ERROR: Plugin 'SHA1 Export/Import' not found!
Running Job 'Replacement by SHA1' with Plugin 'SHA1 Export/Import'...
ERROR: Plugin 'SHA1 Export/Import' not found!
Running Job 'Replacement by SHA1' with Plugin 'SHA1 Export/Import'...
ERROR: Plugin 'SHA1 Export/Import' not found!"
I have a Temp directory in my MEA folder where my mods are. Also, this brings me to my second issue. I have 2 files, came from the same mod, one ends with .fbmod, and the other ends with .archive and I have no idea what to do with these.
4 mods, nothing too intense, and yet I can't get any of them to work. If I can get these to work, then I might be tempted to mod the characters a bit. But as it is now, not so much. So I would be very thankful if someone could help me out here.
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I have a Temp directory in my MEA folder where my mods are. Also, this brings me to my second issue. I have 2 files, came from the same mod, one ends with .fbmod, and the other ends with .archive and I have no idea what to do with these.

This is easy - get Frosty Mod Manager and open that mod in it.



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