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How come every time i go along, see an interesting topic i want to reply to and it's allways LOCKED.Heck i bet this thread it gonna get locked/deleted, I TELL YOU I AM BEING REPRESSED FOR MY OUTSPOKENNESS! no but really i just wanted to state that i think that...well... i just want to say that am annoyed at everything being locked all the time ok? ok i'm done...you can proceed to get rid of this(i bet anyways) :rip: :bye:
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You are going to be 'oppressed' for your brashness.


Threads are always locked for a specific reason. Either the question has been answered to death, and any further posts would be spam, or the thread has no real meaning or purpose, like this one.


Here is a thread by Peregrine discouraging this type of Moderators Are Too Harsh thread. Perhaps you should read that.

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Well, it wasn't a "m0dz = t3h naz1" post at least, so I guess I'll be nice...


But on topic, most threads that get locked are locked for a reason. If you're absolutely sure you have something valuable to post, then you could always pm a mod and ask them to unlock it.


And this belongs in site feedback...

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the reason why some of those topics are locked is because some of us request them to be locked, i myself, get my own topics locked, not sitting there, for someone spam in, not only does it do the mods a favor, but it stops almexia from saying he mentioned a mod for horses twice.


uhh anyway.


it helps people

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Yeah i guess that makes sense. i guess i shouldn't be complaining to moderaters or whatever i should be complaining about spammers. They just make the whole exsperience worse for everyone.

SOrry about this i was just ticked off that i couldn't reply to some threads. :blush:

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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm agreeing with the whole locked-too-early junk. BTW I made a topic once, came back a few days later (because I don't come here every single day) and saw that not only was my topic locked, my orginal title had been altered to something offensive! I read the topic and saw that many members had bashed me, then felt frustrated that I couldn't even respond properly!! :veryangry: :ranting: :angry: :angry2: <_< :mellow: :)
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