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Skyrim script extender doesn't work


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i have installed skyrim 1.3.10 patch and skyrim script extender 1.04.07. when i try to launch skse_loader.exe i get the message ''Please update to the latest version of Skyrim.''


also i tried to manually install some mods, SkyUI works, Categorized Favourites Menu works, but the others (SkyBoost, HD - 2K textures and JaySuS swords) dont work.


any idea?

Edited by commodore34
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It is the last "stable" patch to date (1.3.10) and works the version of SKSE for it. the 1.04.07 version is for the second Skyrim beta patch (1.4.20).


To get that beta patch you need to explicitly adhere to the "Beta participation" under Steam "Settings", but since the final patch will be out soon you may rather wait a bit more, your call.


Just use the correct SKSE version till then.


Edit: it is a big download but may be worthy the trouble. Just be aware till this moment the Script Dragon was not updated to it yet and then no plugin based on it will work too.


Be sure to update SKSE based mods also, mainly the SkyUI and related, if you use Elys uncapper you are out of luck for the while too. Everything else I use is working with the beta and this patch got a nice boost in performance what made both TESVAL and SkyBoost obsolete in their current presentation.

Edited by nosisab
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thanks guys, i need one more problem.


i manually installed some mods, but i cant use them in game, i mean skyrimlauncher doesnt show me data files. i cannot select any of mods.




i also tried skse 1.04.03 but it doesn't work either.

Edited by commodore34
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i finally get the skse_loader work. but i still can't use JaySus Swords, Skyboost and HD 2k Textures.

i dont use nexus mod manager, i manually install them as readme files say.

skyrim launcher doesnt allow me to select DATA FILES, even if i add bEnableFileSelection=1 to skyrimprefs.ini


any ideas?

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Wow... I hope people understand that a lot of readme files don't usually have instructions for NMM because they really aren't necessary. o_O

Click the "Download with Manger" button, activate the mod... That's about it.

If your instructions just say... "Drop the files into your data folder" then it works just fine with NMM. As long as the download doesn't include multiple versions/options or files that need to be placed outside the data folder, there shouldn't be any trouble. Might save you a headache later.


Anyway. Is it safe to Update SKSE without having Skyrim at 1.4?

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