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Recommended Mods?


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I'm not new to Fallout. I played a modded Fallout 3 (no DLC) for a year after its release but I lost the disk at some point over the past couple of years. I just recently repurchased it over Steam because Skyrim is getting old and repetitive.


I know the basic must have downloads. FOMM. FOSE. BOSS. DarnUI. But I'm interested in what you creative modders have come up with and what works with what! (I'm taking a look at FWE, FOOK and MMM as of now!)


Thanks for any input!


EDIT: I've looked at several guides via Google and Nexus but all of them are outdated!

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You will need to decide which you want, FOOK or FWE. The do not work well together. I recommend FWE simply because I tried FOOK for about a week and had to uninstall it. I caused so many problems that the game was unplayable. However, there are people that swear by it. I also use Clean Deluxe, Fallout Remastered, RRCompanions Vault, MERC2. I started this play through with my first companion, Brisa Alomodvar.

I have been taking my time because she adds a lot to the game. Another good one is DC Interiors. I suggest you go to the files area and check out the top 100. Some very good ones there. Hope this helps.

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As the "Download with Manager" option seems to appear on most files for both tesnexus and fallout3nexus now, can I use that to install mods of my choosing with that, or should i check that the files they contain are sorted under a data folder, as thats how I think NMM works, I find NMM eaiser to use than FOMM.


Also to answer this OP, i found this link, although it doesnt contain many mods, is qute infomrative and an interesting read if you don't know much about FO3 modding.

Edited by Clock88
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check that the files they contain are sorted under a data folder

This part. Not only that, but I'd recommend to check any and all folders that come with a mod. Especially considering the fact that overwhelming majority of Fo3 mods were released long before there was even talk of a nexus mod manager.

I'm sure some mod authors might have made the corrections necessary for installing their mod(s) with the NMM, but many more probably haven't.


On top of that: The NMM is still in a beta stage and is thus long from being ideal just yet. And many features FoMM does have still need to be implemented into the NMM


My recommendation: Use FoMM for Fo3 mods.

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For companions, I would strongly recommend Jessi the Teenage Companion (and Kelsey),along with Brisa Almodovar (my personal favorite).There are other mods tha t convert NPC's to companions like Lucy West,Sydney and even Bittercup (though her constant complaining will drive you nuts after a few minutes).


For a player home, the Mini Hidout is a good one to start with,but the best overall is the Daniels Family Vault (a place that actually feels like a home,plus not overloaded with an obscene amount of weapons/gear etc...but does have a nicely stocked bar).

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