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NPCs will take food from unowned containers, though I have run into occasions were they still won't take out food from the container (I have two NPCs shacked up with Ancotar at Fort Caractacus ... one will take food from the food sacks I've provided and the other won't ... picky eater I guess).


See my reply on your other post for a workaround for that.

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Not sure if most NPCs will take unowned food from out in the open like that.


I like messing with Alval Uvani, make sure he never has any gold whatsoever. He will sneak around looking for food when he's at his stops at the various Inns (which often as not gets him caught, resulting in an ass whooping ... he's set to essential for now so just great fun). I've followed him at The Lonely Suitor Lodge in Bravil and seen an apple disappear from the counter when he swiped it, so low responsibility NPCs at least will take it where ever they find it.

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