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Critique of the game and why I don't like it (anymore).


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I find it funny how some people complain about Skyrim, cause it "only" gave them 50-100 hours of gameplay before they got totally bored or finished most of the main stuff. Yeah, there's more content, but how can anyone justify complaining about 50 hours of gameplay in one game? Because it was supposed to give them 200 hours? That number will vary WILDLY. It depends on your mood, your expectations for the game, what kind of person you are, etc etc.


And please, don't argue that Call of Duty MP gives people 1000s of gameplay hours, cause it's not the same -- the main purpose of such gameplay is competition (Not to mention the added element of interaction with other people.), so it doesn't have anything to do with a single player game.


You also have to remember that Skyrim is most likely the largest single player game ever made, content wise (Excluding titles like Daggerfall, cause all the content in the game was like 90% randomly generated or something extreme like that.) and offers you so very many locations to explore, so very much stuff to do. Yes, you may run into some very similar looking dungeons, but there are so very very many, and so many of them are absolutely incredible. With that said, I would also appreciate a more diverse dungeon architecture.


And I do understand all the complaining about the combat in Skyrim, but I disagree. Skyrim features a simple combat system. I don't mind it, since it's a nice, easy and probably a very good solution for such a lengthy game. Some may argue that since there are little to no roleplaying elements, and that Skyrim is an action game, the combat system should 'obviously' be much better/fancier. But the TES games have, for the most part, been about exploration and lore - especially since Morrowind. Atleast for me.


This is more of a general statement about some of the complaints mentioned here and elsewhere, not a response to what the OP said.

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The last thing about which I care is graphics . I haven't had a good computer in my life (and probably never will own one) , so I just don't care .


Agreed . The gameplay is bad . But is there ANYTHING better really ? I mean , the only game that I played that had a "balanced" gameplay feel , was Two Worlds II (but it hasn't really got that "open world" feel) .

Magic . Badest system I've ever , ever seen . Playing as a pure mage is nearly impossible at early levels way too easy at the upper ones .


Shallow , to say the least . I mean : didn't the developers learn ? They could've made a system like in Exile II/III (or Avernum 2/3 , I forgot which one it was) where you can ask people about something you can freely type in .

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The last thing about which I care is graphics . I haven't had a good computer in my life (and probably never will own one) , so I just don't care .


Agreed . The gameplay is bad . But is there ANYTHING better really ? I mean , the only game that I played that had a "balanced" gameplay feel , was Two Worlds II (but it hasn't really got that "open world" feel) .

Magic . Badest system I've ever , ever seen . Playing as a pure mage is nearly impossible at early levels way too easy at the upper ones .


Shallow , to say the least . I mean : didn't the developers learn ? They could've made a system like in Exile II/III (or Avernum 2/3 , I forgot which one it was) where you can ask people about something you can freely type in .


You clearly don't understand how a game works.

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I see a lot of people complaining about quests in basically every game. There are certainly some very entertaining quests in Skyrim, and also some very boring ones. But look at it this way: if EVERY SINGLE QUEST had an incredibly fleshed out lore and background, with humorous characters or a scary boss or dungeon, instead of just a simple "Go get my sword back," then by the overwhelming uniqueness of the quests, they would not be unique anymore.
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" they used the same fast travel system from oblivion"


tell me if im wrong but its fast travel!. you open the map and choose where to go and done. no other thing in it. i think its really the same in any RPG sandbox game(i havent played anything beside skyrim for months thanks to the no-copyright law) if anybody can tell me how a different system works ill appreciate.

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The most overrated game of the year. How did this win the best RPG/GOTY over Witcher 2 or Deus Ex is beyond me.


Skyrim isn't even an RPG, and if it is, it's an awful LARPing simulator, without any C&C, interesting characters or impact on world; where the only roleplaying you do is that imagine you have to drink Alto Wine because the Dragonborn will die out of dehydration.


Yet that's exactly what people want: When they actually got a GOOD game (Fallout: New Vegas), they weren't able to comprehend it (ESPECIALLY Dead Money DLC), and insisted that Fallout 3, which was inferior in almost every single aspect, was better.


Not to mention that when Bethesda game has bugs, even game-breaking ones like that one with Esbern, they are "endearing" and "hilarious", but Obsidian should be skinned alive for releasing such bugged, unplayable monstrosities.

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