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Man, I feel sorry for Falmer.


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I agree with your sentiments on the Falmer not deserving their fate. According to the historical documents, they were the first race in Skyrim and maintained that until Nords built their settlements (Saarthall being the first). They co-existed peacefully until tensions grew.


Now I'm only speculating here but do you think that perhaps the Elves were xenophobic and the Nords were racist; with tension escalating, subsequently leading to war? Think of it as how European settlers (the pilgrims) came to the Americas and got along well with the natives (American Indians) at first.


On another note: The Falmer might have seen them as a blight on their land and the Nords naturally, had to defend themselves. But after such a wholesale slaughter they could only think of the Falmer as nothing more than barbarians and drove them out of their own land.


Final thought are basically, most societies or civilizations have some sort of military structure to defend themselves and also to sometimes invade other land. But just as they have these institutions they have their civilians: Normal people that more or less contributes to the society through culture more so than military conquest, which they may not have much say in. Even if their ideals matched and supported their military I think both the Nord's and the Dwemer's actions are beyond necessary, punishing all Falmer, military or civilian alike.


Anyways, that's the crude interpretation of my belief that they did not deserve their fate. :psyduck:

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I read that book The Falmer: A Study and I have to agree it does seem to paint the Falmer as victims but as it has been stated previously in this thread the Dwemer wouldn't act hostile towards any race unless they were provoked so whatever the Dwemer did to the Falmer, the Falmer did something to bring it upon themselves. Now, as far as, current situations go, I have no mercy for Falmer, they kidnap, torture and murder innocent (and sometimes not so innocent) people just so they can try to develop more efficient weapons with which to kill them. Or at least, that's what I think. Every time I walk into one of their torture rooms, I see a bunch of dead bodies and poisons everywhere so it seems to me like the Falmer are creating and testing new poisons on living subjects. Yeah, they might have once been a great civilization with culture and heritage as great or if not greater than the Altmer or Dwemer but now they're only revenge filled beasts with inflicting pain and death on others being their only motivation. Like Staind716 said: I kill them with a smile. Every Falmer I kill is another merchant or trader that I've saved.
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Bah the Falmer make me sick... poor poor victims, couldn't finish a fight THEY started, got their collective asses kicked ran to hide with the Dwemer. Wanna know the real reason the Dwemer left? It was the Falmer and their stench... yeah I said it... the Falmer stink.


Nah but seriously they're alright. Pretty awesome enemies as well.


Just wish there was a bit more lore on them, or at least a way to cure them... cure the stink that is, nah nah just kidding.

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I don't think the Dwemer did any sort of torturing that can be pointed to, with the exception of a few nasty traps. Everything they had was a technology advancement. The mechanical creations, the chests and trunks, the elevators, the steam/energy powered turbines, etc. Then you see a rack and shackles not even of dwarven metal. I find it hard to imagine not having some other means to administer pain and misery to the poor fool captured.


I personally don't like elves. I am happy, happy when (slightly used) elven equipment can purchase my next song at a drinking establishment.

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