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Patch 1.4


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Ever since i got the latest patch ive had improved performance and less bugs in general but have one new bug where every now and again ill fast travel and it will stay on the loading screen un frozen it keeps changing the hint/info and pics but never stops loading forcing me to ctrl alt f4 to escape as nothing else works, was wondering has anyone else had this or is it just me. other than that patching to 1.4 has done wonders
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I've had this happen a couple of times too. and also sometimes when my player goes to do a finishing move, they stand still u hear the finishing move happen and the creature im fighting dies, but my player never moves to do the attack, after the creature dies i can move regularly again.
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i had the finisher one a few times since day one, also a similar thing when using any crafting table sometimes my character would just stand there and i could only get around it by fast traveling or reloading. i found the finisher one only seemed tohappen when i was next to walls (maybe not enough room to play animation, lol im just guessing)
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yeah the enchanting table one ive had since day one but the animation one just started today, it happened to me 5-6times within a 2 hour period, but could be caused by something other than the patch, i dunno.
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@vohcaz lol I work very early mornings and dont sleep much and forget simple computer functions inbetween energy drinks. If the loading screen bug is the worse i have out of this patch ill be happy have only played an hour or 2 since it patched. the plus side to the bug im forced to close skyrim and go back to the real world


So original question anyone else have it or just me lol

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