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SKSE: Silverlock.org or Steam?


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SKSE is the same from both sources. However, I always download the installer from Silverlock.org so that I am assured of having the latest version. :smile: Steam will recognize it either way, so that's no issue.

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Just wondering if anyone has any preferences or suggestions, does SKSE work the same from both sources, or does either of them have any compatibility issues?

same version if I recall corectly, the 7z archive might have a few files neither installers give.


Main point of using the steam version is to have access to it from the steam app.

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I'd never get any mod from Steam unless it was an absolutely stupendous mod and there was absolutely no way to get it from anywhere else.


SKSE I'd always get from Silverlock as it is not a Mod at all, I would not trust Steam to install a script extender properly, Silverlock will always have the most recent version and there's absolutely no need or reason to ever get it from anywhere else.

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I'd never get any mod from Steam unless it was an absolutely stupendous mod and there was absolutely no way to get it from anywhere else.


SKSE I'd always get from Silverlock as it is not a Mod at all, I would not trust Steam to install a script extender properly, Silverlock will always have the most recent version and there's absolutely no need or reason to ever get it from anywhere else.

Dood, they use the same version of SKSE... (we aren't talking about SKSE64 or F4SE here)


I would say, download the archive and copy the files to the Skyrim game fodder, install Steam's SKSE, then install Siverlock's

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I use the Steam version since once upon a time it made my life easier. So far, it hasn't caused my computer to explode, but, as others have said, this is not what could be considered best practice. So, do as I (and others) say, and not as I do -- use the one from the official site.

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