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Changing Shapes of Armor


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I know very little about modifying items in the game, other than being able to do some simple changes to some of the .dds files.


What i would like to do is take a piece of armor, and "cut away" parts. I like some of the armor designs, but some are kinda over-done with wings, flaps, and metal. I would like to cut away some of the excesses.


I can work with Photoshop well to do my .dds file work...but have no idea what software might be needed to do what I would like to do.


Can anyone point me in the right direction?





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To edit it out so it's not seen? For that you need to go and open up that armor's texture file with something that can edit DDS files (I use Photoshop cs3 with the Nvidia DDS plugin, and then black out the alpha channel of the area you don't want to be textured.


Quick and dirty image explination:





Edited by KaptTorbjorn
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Easy. You just edit the mesh. If you just delete the parts of the texture that cover that part, the actual mesh itself (the physical object itself.) would be shown. All you need to do is go into Blender or 3DS max, and delete the faces that make up that part.
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