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CTD when I shoot any robot


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So, I can't for the life of me figure this one out. About two hours ago, I started getting CTD every time I shoot a robot. For some time, I have been losing Karma when I kill robots, which I also though strange, but now I am in Mothership Zeta and can't shoot any of the drones without a CTD. BTW, the crashing thing started before I got to Zeta. Anybody else have this problem, and any idea what caused it?
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Update: It's a perk. Not sure which Perk, yet, as I made a combined version of the perk packs I downloaded to trim my load order. Not sure why it waited for 160 hours to decide to start doing this, unless it's just the last perk I picked out. I disabled my combined version, and enabled the separate perk packs, and the problem vanished, so it has to be a perk I picked from one of the packs, but I have no idea which one. Arghh! If anyone knows a code I can use to just give myself perk points, I would appreciate it. Otherwise, I will have to get all of the perk codes and try them 1 by 1, which is damned tedious. Edited by iamslar
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I found the bad karma thing happens to me when I snipe robots. However, if I close in on them and wait for the indicator to turn red or let them shoot first then it's back to normal. The Robco Certified perk has given people problems so if you use that then head over to the mod's page and check the comments section to see if there are fixes for the ctds.
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Found it, using the "remove all perks, then add them one by one till you crash" method. It the perk "Microsensor Expert" from Dree Perks Anchorage. I'm going to go let the author know. As for the Karma thing, it also seems to be from a perk, but I wasn't as worried about that one, so I forgot to note which one.
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