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Freeze Up (Please techies...I'm at a loss)


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I'm a total forum newb but I am way out of my league and man enough to admit it. The Elder Scroll games are by far my favorite games ever and Skyrim is a huge step in the right direction for these games. I prefer playing on the PC because of all the amazing mods. The game has always played very smoothly on my system and I haven't run into too many problems at all. Then a few days ago in the middle of playing (I had played maybe two or three minutes) my picture would freeze and there was just no way to free it. I'd have to restart it and before it actually got to the sign in screen it would blue screen and bring up some error about how I needed to unplug some device I recently added to my system before I could restart. Then I'd have to restart over and over and eventually it would ask for the Windows disc before it would let me go any further. It would take twenty minutes to get back into my Windows while it loaded off the disc. I went in today and removed all the last bunch of mods I added and lowered the graphics settings but it still did it. Then I reinstalled Skyrim over itself and it still did it. I did figure out that when it freezes I won't have to repeat all the work I put in a few days ago if I hold ctrl + alt + delete for about three minutes. Then it would just bounce me out of the game. This is REALLY annoying and as far as I am in the game and all the time I've invested (200+ hours) I'm really at a loss. PLEASE if you love a challenge then help me out with this one....because I hate a challenge and am bad at them lol. Thanks all!
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gsmaners may be right, those are symptoms of hardware failure, posibly hard disc. You should verify the Windows System log as soon as possible for if it is the case you may end losing all your data.


To do it, supposing you are on Windows Vista or 7, Find the "Administrative Tools", if it is not already at the Start Menu it is found inside the Windows Control Panel.


Once there, Go to "Event Viewer", a new window is open, navigate the explorer like menu to "Windows Logs" folder and finally click "System"


There is a lot of information there but you may want to filter (at the right side you have that option "Filter Current Log") so is shown only "Error" and "Critical"


Whatever is malfunctioning in the system is displayed there with basic information and a code known as Event ID. If willing to get into details, goggle that event ID to get detailed information and possible solutions for the problem.


Come back with that information, for whatever is happening and causing those hard freezes will be there and the log is persistent in between system reboots. Maybe we can help you further.


PS: Event Viewer is available on XP too, the procedure to reach it is the same in this case, securely will be at Control Panel if not directly accessible from the Start Menu.


PPS: You'll need a user account with administrative privileges to access that log, even then the UAC may ask you to provide password, depends on your system configuration.

Edited by nosisab
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