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Fallout 4 Optimization and Performance Systems Explained

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I would simply try the full generation and see what happens. Precoms then Previs then Precom Previs, see what happens.


I religiously won't use it the scrap everything type of mods myself, it's not The Way It's Mean't To Be Played™


I used very few mods the first time I played, in order to try and keep to the vanilla, "intended" feeling, but after that I go crazy with mods.


Also, you are awesome and amazing. Generating regular previs, then precombined previs in my "prepared" (delete all the things) plugin got it to work. Although it could also be related to making sure the XPRI field was identical, not sure I had done that before. In either case, it works, and I was able to just tell it to make it for me, then copy the data into the version of the plugin without everything deleted. I was not looking forward to having to make roombounds/portals for this ridiculous cell.

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I just made a Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition compatible version of my scrappable red rocket pump arms mod. I used my mod as the active file, and Scrap Everything as a non active plugin. Scrap Everything is working flawlessly with my mod with Scrap Everything loaded first as it is now a dependency. I used the generate precombined geometries, visibility, then Precombined visibility as SMB92 suggested, and it works flawlessly.


I am going to have to update my tutorial.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right so time to play with interior precombineds. Starting with vault 88.


Generating now the way I think it should be done and I will post the results.

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So that was a success as far as that small test.


Generate precombined meshes for current cell > generate previs for current cell > generate precombined previs for current cell.


Same process as exteriors except for current cell only. I can see that disabling precalc in V88 destroys the cell in terms of performance, I recorded up to 12000 draw calls, whereas with precalc it's barely 2000 most of them time.


Tomorrow I will try out the mechanists lair and see what happens.

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I've got the new previs and precombineds for both the Mechanist's Lair and Vault 88 working now (for Scrap Everything). An interesting thing to note is that for the bad versions I had before, the previs worked fine if you had precombineds disabled, but if you didn't almost everything was invisible. It's like it wasn't rendering any of the precombineds, so when the non-precombined versions were allowed to load it was fine.


For the Mechanist's Lair, I just had to build the previs after I cleaned the unchanged precombineds out (doing so before resulted in the invisible everything bug). For Vault 88*, I couldn't get it to work until I had it generate regular previs before generating precombined previs (didn't do anything but precombined previs for the Mechanist's Lair).


*possibly because I moved/added a some things to deal with the sloppiness of that cell (particularly if you want to be able to scrap things they used to cover up that sloppiness)

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I think what might be happening, which is what I found when I generated 11 grids of Cambridge, is without generating the regular previs first, a lot of precombined meshes were disappearing particularly around the front of Boston. I think this has something to do with how the "dynamic" part of previs works but unfortunately they did not document it nor can I find any direct settings. Since I started doing both all the time I have not had any problems since. I would not bother with the Precombine meshes for Interiors option, I think that is for batching multiple cells at once but previs has no such option anyway.


I will still try to check mechanists lair this afternoon just to be sure this will work here too.

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When you guys are referring to generate "regular previs" for an exterior cell, do you mean Generate Visibility for Current Cell or for All Loaded Cells? I've been using the method Trosski outlined in his video tutorial of Precombined Data for Current Cell and Precombined Previs for all Loaded Cells and it has worked perfectly without generating "regular" previs. Not sure what option I should be using for the "regular" previs for an exterior cell or if it's required for every situation.

EDIT: One other question. Any thoughts on what could cause the CK to crash while generating precombines? A bad mesh maybe?

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Yep, "regular" = "Generate Visibility"


When I remade precombineds/previs for The Mechanist's Lair I just used "Generate Precombined Visibility", and didn't have any issues. It was only for Vault 88 that I needed to use "generate Visibility" before I used "Generate Precombined Visibility".


Not sure on the crash, does it do it consistently for a certain location, but not for others? Are you doing anything else while it is working on it in the background?

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