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Fallout 4 Optimization and Performance Systems Explained

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Yeah that's in xEdit. In ck you can look at "Users" which is in a column next to the dot or in the object window.
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Good to know. It would be nice to be able to highlight objects by precombined mesh in the render window. Like select an object, and then have a right click context menu option to highlight other objects that share a precombined mesh with the currently selected object.

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Would be nice if Bethesda did/added a lot of things :)


*Q: Hey Pipboy, can I have your ObjectReference*

*Pipboy: kekekekekekekek*

*Q: What about your terminal ref?*

*Pipboy: wahahahahahaha*


Just something that's been shitting me for a while lol.

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Well in regards to that(and sorry to have somewhat hijacked that topic.. carry on with the primary subject)


If you mean the terminal that is mounted on the pipboy, nope, can't have that ref. Likely one of those things that is unnecessarily embedded in the exe.

But you can get the terminal ref for any terminal in the game, including native terminals that control doors, protectrons, turrets, spotlights, etc, all accessible from the pipeboy.. It mostly involves working with the base object. For native terminals though, some extra work has to be done.


It is not possible to get the objectreference of the pipeboy though, or at least, I haven't found a way.

Edited by Rasikko
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There is a yucky way to get the pipboy actually, you can unequip and drop it (set a var in that process) and re equip it. SKK50 mentioned this so credit to him. Not recommended though, could lead to problems.


Currently toying with a way to get a terminal ref in pipboy. I'll make a post if it works.


But yes, apologies for derailing the thread.

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Hello guys, does someone have a script for deleting touched precombined references from an ESP? This would be very helpful. Otherwise i have to create my own one.

A lot of mod authors are unaware of the issue, when they have touched such a ref, while trying to place an item and break the precom/vis for that area.


Thanks in advance.

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Hello guys, does someone have a script for deleting touched precombined references from an ESP? This would be very helpful. Otherwise i have to create my own one.

A lot of mod authors are unaware of the issue, when they have touched such a ref, while trying to place an item and break the precom/vis for that area.


Thanks in advance.

unit userscript;

function Process(e: IInterface): integer;
  if HasPrecombinedMesh(e) then RemoveNode(e);

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  • 2 weeks later...

I apologize, I see my sarcasm didn't come off correctly, Yes I should have used some sarcasm tags. :laugh: Was doing a fresh install of the game so I was sitting on the sofa with my tablet when I replied to Trosski. He seemed to get me but he dose also spend time over there and I know most of you don't bother going to beth for good reason so I can see how I could have come off wrong.


Just a funny example of some of the other sort of misinformation floating around that site is, the other day someone who was obviously new to modding their game asked a question because they installed a settlement mod. They had lost their Structures tab in build mode and the first reply to the problem was "If the mod breaks Pre-Combineds that's causing the problem" :wallbash:


Again I apologize for sort of derailing this thread, it was just a little rant to Trosski's comment about people not knowing what they are talking about and not reading up on the subject. I've even told people over there to read this thread and gotten the response "It's 26 pages!! That's too much!" :wallbash:

Not wanting to necro this OT part of the thread (but I’ll do it anyway) but I’ve also seen varying degrees of misinformation being thrown about here (don’t use the Bethnet forums so I have no comparison).


Rather frequently I’ll see the use of the bUseCombinedSettings=0 .ini edit recommended as a “solution” to preculling issues. It’s pretty obvious the user recommending the .ini edit hasn’t done their homework to even address the causes of the problem being reported let alone what a proper solution might be. “Just turn off the optimization system! That will solve everything!”


The last time I tried to explain the problems associated with using that edit to the person who was recommending it, the response I got was more less that they had used the .ini edit for over two years and the only problem was the frame rate drops (ya think?). Then they went to complain they were getting 30fps in certain locations and how they know the game be smoother. :facepalm:

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Totally legit necro.


I mean, there's mods like winter overhaul or Commonwealth Conifers with close to or beyond 1,000 endorsements that basically say "use these settings that kill your frame rate or our mods will look funky". Winter Overhaul ships an ini containing bUsePrecreatedSCOL=0, which also kills frame rate in forest-y areas. Trees seem to be generally placed as SCOLs, which MassShep didn't bother to regenerate. That's just meh.


Not wanting to disrespect anybody but goddamn people, this isn't rocket surgery. We can do better than this.

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From what I've been seeing, disabling precombined via that INI edit does not always result in Previs turning off properly. It's sending the whole game unstable. In fact just using TPC command at runtime sending the whole game unstable (even when not disabling precombineds), and I can also witness material changes when using the command - for example the glass on car windows - prior to using TPC this will show a milky white, then using TPC to disable previs, it becomes the opaque color I expect it should be. Why would this be the case, in my mind these 2 systems should be capable of running independently, particularly Previs should be able to be disabled alone while leaving precombineds in tact, but they seem to walk hand in hand more than the meets the eye. Perhaps this behaviour has to do more with the game currently having a UVD file loaded, disabling it on the fly causing this issue, but the similar way in which the game becomes unstable seems the same.


Disabling static collections should be considered worse than disabling precombineds in my mind, especially for the sake of some cluster of trees. Furthermore, fluffy trees with the big "fake" leafy branches are terrible for Previs also (basically a square mesh with "veiny" texture for branches), particularly if they sway, previs will only calculate static position and then when they sway occlusion bugs will be prevalent. So even upon replacing all trees with big green variants properly, you are doomed with Previs unless somehow discluding trees from the whole process. Maybe this is viable, but I will not be losing sleep over replacing all trees, maybe someone will be dedicated to the task. It could also be considered to recombine meshes for the world, and disable Previs entirely for such mods at least allowing for some of the performance benefit, but then I refer back to the above RE instability in that regard.


On another note, particularly since post 1.9.4, I've been seeing strange crashes with newly generated precalc as well, where it may work at first but subsequent attempts (EDIT - to enter the area with newly generated precalc, not regens) are causing the game to crash as soon as coming into the area of the new precalc. I haven't had time to investigate this, but rather just use the 1.9.4 CK seems to be fine. Possibly this has to do with the now convoluted process in making precalc patches RE having to rename extension to ESM etc instead of just flagging (although I am not seeing xEdit cause my files to orphan when redirecting to ESP). Wanted to mention this again in case somebody has info on this right now.

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