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Fallout 4 Optimization and Performance Systems Explained

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Hello guys, does someone have a script for deleting touched precombined references from an ESP? This would be very helpful. Otherwise i have to create my own one.

A lot of mod authors are unaware of the issue, when they have touched such a ref, while trying to place an item and break the precom/vis for that area.


Thanks in advance.

unit userscript;

function Process(e: IInterface): integer;
  if HasPrecombinedMesh(e) then RemoveNode(e);


Thanks! :-)

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Totally legit necro.


I mean, there's mods like winter overhaul or Commonwealth Conifers with close to or beyond 1,000 endorsements that basically say "use these settings that kill your frame rate or our mods will look funky". Winter Overhaul ships an ini containing bUsePrecreatedSCOL=0, which also kills frame rate in forest-y areas. Trees seem to be generally placed as SCOLs, which MassShep didn't bother to regenerate. That's just meh.


Not wanting to disrespect anybody but goddamn people, this isn't rocket surgery. We can do better than this.

This. In the case of Commonwealth Conifers, the mod works perfectly fine (barring the lack of LOD for the new trees) without the game crippling .ini edit yet the description still recommends it without explaining what it does. Users (who generally will blindly copy/paste whatever .ini edits they see posted) are left in the dark as to the consequences. I love using that mod, but am perplexed that making the ini edits is suggested by the author. The CK wiki says that that ini edit should be "used to test whether an issue is related to a plugin or precalc data." That should make it pretty clear its not meant for game play.


From what I've been seeing, disabling precombined via that INI edit does not always result in Previs turning off properly. It's sending the whole game unstable.


And this. This is part of what I tried to explain to the forum user I mentioned previously. But since he had "no problems other than frame rate drops" he pretty much ignored the facts presented. I've seen this same person recommend one of the mods that turns off preculling altogether as another "solution" to previs issues related to precombines being disabled. Like payl0ad said, not to disrespect anyone, but giving out such horrible advice without understanding the mechanics behind what you're suggesting is just...bad. Sorry to harp on it and apologies for clogging up the thread, but it's really frustrating to see that kind of "wisdom" being disseminated.

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Funny that you mention trees, I've been conversing with Impulseman45 over the past weeks and he's sent me a pack of trees that will one day make up a "proper" tree overhaul with regenerated SCOLs, regenerated precombines, LODs and no overlap to Boston FPS Fix. Thanks for the pointer, I'll probably have to experiment with that.


The material funkyness are no surprise given that the "nif baker" in the CK will screw these up. I think. Right? While CE is capable of swapping a material semi-on-the-fly it doesn't seem to expect a change without the proper procedure.

Edited by payl0ad
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  • 3 weeks later...

So…I’ve been getting some ideas for potential video projects lately and one thing that crossed my feeble mind is that other than Trosski’s video on how to generate precombines and previs, there doesn’t seem to be much in the way of any videos discussing the sorts of things we talk about here. So, I go the bright idea of maybe putting something together.


Many people (myself included) are more visually inclined and might get more benefit from something with pretty pictures. Based on what I see and read in the forums and mod pages, I sometimes feel that the mass of text we have accumulated on the optimization system is a barrier for people wanting to take the time to read about this stuff. There are a lot of people that either aren’t aware of how the system works (or simply don’t care) or have a partial understanding but still don’t have all their info straight. TLDR: some people are simply not into reading (sad truth) and would rather watch a video than read a bunch of words. Something in a visual medium might be more accessible to more people, mod users and mod authors alike.


What I’m envisioning would be dead simple (no longer than 15 minutes tops), Readers Digest level stuff aimed at the most basic and generic user base. My initial thought is to essentially take the most relevant info compiled in the first page of this thread, pepper in some info from chucksteel’s “Detecting Broken Precombines” essay along with some (hopefully) interesting 3D and motion graphics (maybe some infographic style stuff) that try to explain this whole mess. The RockWithLichen example on the CK wiki precombines page gave me some ideas for some visuals.


Anyway, just looking for thoughts and feedback on if this sort of thing is even worth exploring and if anyone thinks it would be of any benefit. Of course people will still have to take the initiative to sit and watch the video, short of a Ludovico treatment scenario which also isn’t a bad idea

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Yup, that would be nice. Your tutorial vids are high quality anyway, if anybody does this it should be you or Seddon. You should also drop some lines about how combining meshes in the CK affects materials and possibly applied MSWPs. That's how the console crowd apparently detects their precombines breaking (aside from their frame rate taking a nosedive). And it's something I had to figure out with experiments myself, because it wasn't exactly information you can easily find in this thread.


But, I'm wondering... wth is a Ludovico treatment scenario? I like to think my english is close to native but I never heard that term.

Edited by payl0ad
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Thanks, payl0ad! Very much appreciate the compliment. The rough draft I have in my head does include mentioning the material swaps...it’s one of the items I wanted to draw from chucksteel’s tutorial as well as how workshop items will sink into the floors of some SCOL buildings if precombines are disabled. I was thinking of using one of the SCOL houses that chucksteel uses as an example (maybe Somerville Place) as one possible example for this.


I’m also planning on including some basic terminology definitions as we have on the first thread page. Can’t tell you how tired I am of seeing people refer to preculling issues as “missing textures” or “LOD flicker.” Not that this would ever change that, but you know what I mean…


Ludovico treatment: sorry! It’s an obscure reference to A Clockwork Orange. It’s a rather extreme form of aversion therapy used both the book and film. The subject is injected with nausea-inducing drugs while being strapped to a chair and forced to watch violent films. Over time he is conditioned to become severely ill at the mere thought of violence. I was thinking that people who go out of their way to use bUseCombinedObjects=0 (and who recommend others do the same) would be perfect candidates. :happy:


Once I have a chance to flesh out an outline I'll likely be looking for some help with peer review to make sure everything is clear and concise. I don't think this should be something that gets too far into the weeds with technical details, but also will want to make sure the basics are properly addressed. Thanks all!

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RedRocketTV, I think your doing a video of this is a fantastic idea and it will be something visual that we can link to over in chucksteels thread on Beth. One thought I had though, when you mention how the WorkshopStackableItem keyword gets applied to everything included in precombined during generation and that not all forms have this keyword by default so that when precombineds are disabled, you are no longer able to place workshop items, I would also mention that the inability to place furniture CAN be corrected by adding that keyword to the affected forms, even though your precombineds are still broken. My only thought on why making this clarification is important is that console players especially might assume that their precombineds are intact if they have no issues with furniture placement. Edited by yakalrad
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Would serve well to have a comprehensive video for the masses. +1 from me.


Has it been covered or mentioned, where scrappable objects clipping with static objects (that are otherwise unscrappable) are either ignored by precalc generation or causing any issues? I just noticed some trash piles etc getting scrapped along with the scrappable object they were clipped with. Can't recall if it was raised or not.

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