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Fallout 4 Optimization and Performance Systems Explained

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On 11/3/2024 at 3:18 PM, Qrsr said:

But most of the time having it removed and or not applied at all will first increase gaming experience

Yes, this is imho the main argument against the precomb/previs system. It most severely impacts on environment dynamics, in fact it completely degrades them and turns most everything into a static, unaddressable lump of meshes. This may be meaningless if the game is used as a shooter, but it's the bane of settlement (re)builders. 


So no need to PreCombine or PreVis the cell USE Room Bounds and Portals

Yep. An interior cell with properly set up roombounds and portals doesn't need any of the Umbra magic to work right.

In fact, many interior cells do have roombounds/portals, but some of them seem to have been set up in a really bad, non-functioning way. This is presumably because Bethesda added the Umbra system at a stage in development when these interiors already existed in some preliminary form. But once a cell has valid precomb/previs, the roombounds/portals in it are disabled and Umbra takes over the occlusion business.

It's anyone's guess ofc, but this is my thinking:

Adding Umbra precomb/previs to an interior cell may be as simple as clicking two menu entries in CK, whereas properly setting up roombounds/portals always takes a bit of experience and some time - more time for complex interiors of course. As time is money, and money is of essence to Beth, we may draw the conclusion that they didn't even bother to remove the already placed, now useless and disabled, roombounds/portals after it was decided to make use of what Umbra had to offer.

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One thing that is worth keeping in mind: Ground/floor pieces may need additional reworking after precombines are disabled, in case player is expected to be able to build on them.

This is because precombines are always treated as ground, or something. PJM correct me if wrong.

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Alright, i started digging into it. The interior cell list is ready.

  1. Removed any PreVis and Combination reference
  2. Cleaned the TimeStamp
  3. Started with Room Bounds and Portals ...


and man it runs so much more stable. Will take some hours, days, but this is a game changer for interiors.


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Alright this is getting serious, remember, i was complaining about CollegeSquare01 beeing the most horrible cell in terms of lack and micro stuttering?

Turned out it was the Room Bounds and Portals setup... it actually was a mess and this is now fixed. Im running through the cell with an iGPU and 60FPS+ ... i cant believe what i see.

Of course all the PreVis and Precombines are turned off and were disabled, renferences blanked and this game runs smooth as never before in interios ...




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Here is a list of all interior cells of interest, which use Portals and Room Bounds and which do not:


#000 B-b FormID # EditorID Name
#001 [4–0] [CELL:00074D28] __ AndrewStation01 Andrew Station
#002 [2–0] [CELL:0007E2C2] [] ArcjetSystems01 ArcJet Systems
#003 [3–1] [CELL:00080465] [] ArcjetSystems02 ArcJet Engine Core
#004 [8–9] [CELL:0009087E] [] AtomatoysCorporateHQ01 Wilson Atomatoys Corporate HQ
#005 [2–6] [CELL:0013A972] __ BackBayTallOffice01 Dartmouth Professional Building
#006 [6–2] [CELL:0004E4D6] [] BackStreetApparel01 Back Street Apparel
#007 [0–6] [CELL:00026840] [] BADTFL01 BADTFL Regional Office
#008 [9–5] [CELL:0003FA33] __ BarneysBunker01 Basement
#009 [0–3] [CELL:000A4632] __ BeaconHillApartments Apartments
#010 [7–2] [CELL:0009D357] __ BeaconHillBostonBugle The Boston Bugle
#011 [7–5] [CELL:00140089] __ BeaconHillPub Prost Bar
#012 [0–6] [CELL:0003A318] __ BeantownBrewery01 Beantown Brewery
#013 [3–6] [CELL:0015B547] __ BigJohnsSalvage01 Shelter
#014 [5–0] [CELL:0009AE25] __ BobbisNewPlace01 Hawthorne Estate
#015 [8–1] [CELL:00084A56] [] BostonAirportRuins01 Boston Airport Ruins
#016 [5–8] [CELL:0009C775] __ BostonCommon02 The Boylston Club
#017 [7–6] [CELL:00048DE3] __ BostonMayoralShelter01 Boston Mayoral Shelter
#018 [0–9] [CELL:000EBE92] __ BostonPublicLibrary01 Copley Station
#019 [1–9] [CELL:000EBE93] __ BostonPublicLibrary02 Boston Public Library
#020 [8–6] [CELL:000ECE80] __ BunkerHill01 Utility Basement
#021 [9–5] [CELL:0003A317] __ CabotHouse01 Cabot House
#022 [9–1] [CELL:000BED97] __ CambridgeChurchGraveyard01 Union's Hope Cathedral
#023 [7–2] [CELL:000A3ADB] __ CambridgeCollegeAdminBuilding College Admin Building
#024 [8–3] [CELL:001E1ACA] __ CambridgeConstructionSiteWarehouse01 Construction Site Warehouse
#025 [5–2] [CELL:000A3AD9] __ CambridgeDiner01 Cambridge Diner
#026 [5–9] [CELL:000A603B] __ CambridgeEastCITRaiderCamp01 Office Building
#027 [3–6] [CELL:000CFDA3] __ CambridgeKendallHospital01 Kendall Hospital
#028 [0–2] [CELL:000A3AD4] __ CambridgeMassChemical01 Mass Chemical
#029 [7–9] [CELL:000A603D] __ CambridgeMonsignorPlaza01 Monsignor Plaza
#030 [7–1] [CELL:001BD31D] __ CambridgeParkingGarage01 Kendall Parking
#031 [3–7] [CELL:0001FA25] [] CambridgePD01 Cambridge Police Station
#032 [1–6] [CELL:001BABD5] __ CambridgePlumbing01 Plumber's Secret
#033 [4–9] [CELL:000560EE] [] CambridgePolymerLabs01 Cambridge Polymer Labs
#034 [7–4] [CELL:000517B3] __ CambridgeScienceCenter01 Science Center Gift Shop
#035 [1–3] [CELL:000A4633] __ CharlestownDrugDen Drug Den
#036 [0–3] [CELL:0009FB32] __ CharlestownHouse01 Abandoned House
#037 [9–2] [CELL:0009FB31] __ CharlestownLaundry Charlestown Laundry
#038 [1–5] [CELL:0002288B] __ CollegeSquare01 College Square Station
#039 [8–5] [CELL:0001FBA6] [] CombatZone01 Combat Zone
#040 [9–4] [CELL:001EC205] __ CombatZone02 Combat Zone
#041 [1–8] [CELL:0003776D] __ ConcordCivicAccess01 Concord Civic Access
#042 [0–6] [CELL:000E3CC4] __ ConcordFactory Workhouse
#043 [3–8] [CELL:00017DF7] [] ConcordMuseum01 Museum of Freedom
#044 [0–8] [CELL:000788D4] __ ConcordSpeakeasy Concord Speakeasy
#045 [7–4] [CELL:00057127] [] CorvegaAssemblyPlant01 Corvega Assembly Plant
#046 [8–3] [CELL:000396E6] [] CovenantHQ01 Sewer
#047 [0–0] [CELL:0003C0F0] __ CroupManor01 Croup Manor Basement
#048 [5–8] [CELL:000A0EF1] __ CustomHouseTower01 Custom House Tower
#049 [1–8] [CELL:0005A925] __ DanversHideout Hideout
#050 [9–4] [CELL:0003AC6D] [] DBTechHighSchool01 D.B. Technical High School
#051 [9–2] [CELL:000E214D] [] DBTechHighSchool02 Medical Center Station
#052 [1–3] [CELL:010044DF] __ DLC01FortHagenSatelliteArray01 Fort Hagen Hangar
#053 [1–1] [CELL:010008A3] __ DLC01Lair01 The Mechanist's Lair
#054 [7–8] [CELL:03004643] __ DLC03Acadia Acadia
#055 [9–4] [CELL:03016665] __ DLC03AlderseaDaySpa01 Aldersea Day Spa
#056 [2–2] [CELL:030054DA] __ DLC03BeaverCreekLanes01 Beaver Creek Lanes
#057 [2–0] [CELL:030078B6] __ DLC03EagleCoveTannery01 Eagle's Cove Tannery
#058 [2–7] [CELL:0302BF04] __ DLC03EchoLakeLumber01 Bunker
#059 [2–0] [CELL:03003392] __ DLC03FarHarborLastPlank The Last Plank
#060 [4–3] [CELL:03001B7A] __ DLC03HarborGrandHotel01 Harbor Grand Hotel
#061 [2–1] [CELL:03020668] __ DLC03KitteredgePass01 Kitteredge Pass
#062 [2–2] [CELL:030137CE] __ DLC03KyeBunker01 Vim! Basement
#063 [0–1] [CELL:03036E8E] __ DLC03NorthwoodRidgeQuarry01 Northwood Ridge Quarry
#064 [9–5] [CELL:03003A6F] __ DLC03Nucleus The Nucleus
#065 [1–0] [CELL:03003A99] __ DLC03NucleusCommandCenter01 Nucleus Command Center
#066 [6–0] [CELL:03040F16] [] DLC03NucleusSubInterior01 The Vessel
#067 [1–2] [CELL:030258DD] __ DLC03PineCrestCavern01 Pine Crest Cavern
#068 [8–7] [CELL:03036572] __ DLC03POI40Int Pump Control
#069 [9–8] [CELL:03054271] __ DLC03POIBasementArmory Basement Armory
#070 [1–2] [CELL:030054D9] __ DLC03Vault118 Vault 118
#071 [0–2] [CELL:030054D8] __ DLC03VimPopFactory01 Vim! Corporate Headquarters
#072 [7–4] [CELL:03016E33] __ DLC03VimPopFactory02 Vim! Factory
#073 [7–1] [CELL:0302E12D] __ DLC03WindFarmBuilding01 Wind Farm Maintenance
#074 [0–1] [CELL:0601951E] __ DLC04BottlingPlant01 The World of Refreshment
#075 [5–4] [CELL:0603A4FD] __ DLC04BottlingPlant02 Secure Beverageer Lab
#076 [1–9] [CELL:0600CF63] __ DLC04BradbertonsOffice01 Bradberton's Office
#077 [9–5] [CELL:0600805B] __ DLC04ColaCars01 Cola-Cars Arena
#078 [6–8] [CELL:0600B46A] __ DLC04Gauntlet01 Nuka-World Access Tunnels
#079 [8–3] [CELL:060139D2] __ DLC04GrandchesterMansion01 Grandchester Mystery Mansion
#080 [8–9] [CELL:0600F616] __ DLC04GZBattlezone01 RobCo Battlezone
#081 [3–7] [CELL:06010CA5] __ DLC04GZNukaGalaxy01 Nuka-Galaxy
#082 [5–5] [CELL:0600DC23] __ DLC04GZTheater01 Starlight Interstellar Theater
#083 [2–8] [CELL:0601092A] __ DLC04GZVaultTec01 Vault-Tec: Among the Stars
#084 [3–3] [CELL:06018595] __ DLC04HubCappysCafe01 Cappy's Cafe
#085 [6–0] [CELL:0601CE22] __ DLC04HubFizztopGrille01 Fizztop Grille
#086 [4–3] [CELL:06018596] __ DLC04HubFizztopMountainInterior01 Fizztop Mountain
#087 [5–3] [CELL:06018597] __ DLC04HubOperatorLair01 The Parlor
#088 [2–3] [CELL:06018594] __ DLC04HubPackLair Nuka-Town Backstage
#089 [9–0] [CELL:0601951D] __ DLC04KiddieKingdomFunHouse01 Fun House
#090 [9–8] [CELL:0602B99D] __ DLC04KiddieKingdomTheater01 King Cola's Court
#091 [8–0] [CELL:0601951C] __ DLC04KiddieKingdomTunnels01 Employee Tunnels
#092 [0–9] [CELL:0602B99E] __ DLC04KiddieKingdomZ01 King Cola's Castle Tower
#093 [1–1] [CELL:0601951F] __ DLC04Nukacade01 Nuka-Cade
#094 [1–7] [CELL:06008B57] __ DLC04NukaWorldPowerPlant01 Nuka-World Power Plant
#095 [0–9] [CELL:06031A1A] __ DLC04NWJunkyardUFO01 Ultimate UFO
#096 [3–2] [CELL:0601E413] __ DLC04SafariBearCave Bear Cave
#097 [6–2] [CELL:0601E416] __ DLC04SafariPrimateHouse Primate House
#098 [5–2] [CELL:0601E415] __ DLC04SafariReptileHouse Reptile House
#099 [4–2] [CELL:0601E414] __ DLC04SafariWelcomeCenter Safari Adventure Welcome Center
#100 [3–3] [CELL:06007D21] __ DLC04TransitCenter01 Nuka-World Transit Center
#101 [1–7] [CELL:06030BF7] __ DLC04WWMineCart01 Mad Mulligan's Mine
#102 [9–8] [CELL:05000F31] __ DLC06VaultWorkshop Vault 88
#103 [4–8] [CELL:00001E68] __ DmndAbbotsHouse Abbot's House
#104 [1–7] [CELL:00001E5B] __ DmndAllFaithsChapel01 All Faiths Chapel
#105 [5–6] [CELL:00001E55] __ DmndArturosHouse01 Arturo's House
#106 [7–0] [CELL:000C563B] __ DmndArturosHouse02 Arturo's House
#107 [2–7] [CELL:00001E5C] __ DmndChoiceChops01 Polly's House
#108 [8–0] [CELL:000C563C] __ DmndChoiceChops02 Meat Locker
#109 [6–6] [CELL:00001E56] __ DmndCitySurplus01New Myrna's House
#110 [3–7] [CELL:00001E5D] __ DmndDugoutInn01 Dugout Inn
#111 [8–4] [CELL:00001E44] __ DmndEarlsHouse01 Earl Sterling's House
#112 [3–6] [CELL:00001E53] __ DmndFallons01 Fallon's Basement
#113 [3–6] [CELL:00001E53] __ DmndFallons01 Fallon's Basement
#114 [9–7] [CELL:00001E63] __ DmndGreenhouse01 Greenhouse
#115 [2–6] [CELL:00001E52] __ DmndJohnsHouse01 John and Cathy's House
#116 [4–6] [CELL:00001E54] __ DmndMoeCroninsHouse01 Moe Cronin's House
#117 [4–5] [CELL:00001E4A] __ DmndOutfieldShengsHouse01 Sheng Kawolski's House
#118 [5–8] [CELL:00001E69] __ DmndPembrokesHouse01 Pembroke Residence
#119 [8–6] [CELL:00001E58] __ DmndPlayerHouse01 Home Plate
#120 [1–8] [CELL:00001E65] __ DmndPublick01 Publick Occurrences
#121 [9–4] [CELL:00001E45] __ DmndRadio01 Diamond City Radio
#122 [0–8] [CELL:00001E64] __ DmndSchoolhouse01 Schoolhouse
#123 [7–6] [CELL:00001E57] __ DmndScienceCenter01 Science! Center
#124 [2–8] [CELL:00001E66] [] DmndSecurity01 Security Office
#125 [9–6] [CELL:00001E59] __ DmndSolomonsHouse01 Solomon's House
#126 [9–5] [CELL:00001E4F] __ DmndStandsCodman01 Codman Residence
#127 [7–5] [CELL:00001E4D] __ DmndStandsCooke01 Cooke Residence
#128 [6–5] [CELL:00001E4C] __ DmndStandsHawthorne01 Hawthorne Residence
#129 [0–6] [CELL:00001E50] __ DmndStandsKellogg01 Kellogg's House
#130 [8–5] [CELL:00001E4E] __ DmndStandsLatimer01 Latimer Residence
#131 [1–6] [CELL:00001E51] __ DmndStandsTaphouse01 Colonial Taphouse
#132 [9–8] [CELL:000198F1] __ DmndSurgeryBasement01 Mega Surgery Center
#133 [0–7] [CELL:00001E5A] __ DmndSurgeryCellar01 Surgery Cellar
#134 [0–7] [CELL:00001E5A] __ DmndSurgeryCellar01 Surgery Cellar
#135 [1–5] [CELL:00001E47] __ DmndValentines01 Valentine Detective Agency
#136 [4–7] [CELL:00001E5E] __ DmndWarehouseA01 Warehouse
#137 [6–7] [CELL:00001E60] __ DmndWaterfrontCrockersHouse01 Doc Crocker's House
#138 [5–7] [CELL:00001E5F] __ DmndWaterfrontSunsHouse01 Doctor Sun's House
#139 [8–3] [CELL:00049B72] [] DunwichBorers01 Dunwich Borers
#140 [2–8] [CELL:000379C6] [] EastBostonPrep01 East Boston Preparatory School
#141 [4–8] [CELL:000A1724] __ EsplanadeChurch01 Holy Mission Congregation
#142 [4–9] [CELL:0019690E] __ EsplanadeMansion01 Marlborough House
#143 [8–6] [CELL:0003D7DC] [] FallonsDepartmentStore01 Fallon's Department Store
#144 [2–7] [CELL:0005884C] [] FaneuilHall01 Faneuil Hall
#145 [2–7] [CELL:00035FF4] [] FederalRationStockpile01 Federal Ration Stockpile
#146 [8–1] [CELL:00048646] __ FederalSurvCenter01 Bunker
#147 [6–6] [CELL:000C8042] __ FensBank01 Bridgeway Trust
#148 [9–6] [CELL:000C0791] __ FensCafeBuilding Apartments
#149 [7–1] [CELL:001BAE01] __ FensKenmoreStation Subway Station
#150 [5–6] [CELL:000C8041] __ FensParkviewApartments01 Apartment Building
#151 [4–6] [CELL:000C8040] __ FensParkviewApartments02 Parkview Lounge
#152 [1–6] [CELL:0003B381] [] FensStreetSewer01 Fens Street Sewer
#153 [2–3] [CELL:00070118] __ Financial06 Old Corner Bookstore
#154 [4–9] [CELL:0006F346] __ Financial07 Haymarket Mall
#155 [1–3] [CELL:00070117] __ Financial13 Weatherby Investment Trust
#156 [6–5] [CELL:0004ACB4] __ Financial14 Commonwealth Bank
#157 [9–2] [CELL:00070115] __ Financial21 35 Court
#158 [0–3] [CELL:00070116] __ Financial24 Joe's Spuckies
#159 [6–2] [CELL:0012CB6E] __ Financial28 Ruined Skyscraper
#160 [8–5] [CELL:0006F0CA] __ Financial30 Water Street Apartments
#161 [2–7] [CELL:000BB078] [] FortHagen01 Fort Hagen
#162 [6–6] [CELL:000CD2AE] [] FortHagen02 Fort Hagen Command Center
#163 [2–0] [CELL:00039C9E] [] FortStrong01 Fort Strong Armory
#164 [4–7] [CELL:001BD54A] [] FortStrong02 Fort Strong Sublevel
#165 [5–6] [CELL:0003D649] [] FourLeafFishpacking01 Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant
#166 [2–1] [CELL:0010F1F0] __ FourLeafFishpacking02 Marowski's Chem Lab
#167 [3–3] [CELL:0003A16D] [] FraternalPost11501 Fraternal Post 115
#168 [7–9] [CELL:0004280D] __ GeneralAtomicsFactory01 General Atomics Factory
#169 [6–0] [CELL:000E791A] __ GeneralAtomicsGalleria01 Back Alley Bowling
#170 [0–0] [CELL:001F4190] __ GlowingSeaPOIDB05Int Red Rocket
#171 [5–8] [CELL:001F59B9] __ GlowingSeaPOIDB06Int Parking Garage
#172 [3–9] [CELL:000291C9] [] GNN01 Gunners Plaza
#173 [4–6] [CELL:0002F73C] [] GNN02 Gunners Plaza Basement
#174 [3–3] [CELL:00022685] __ GoodneighborBobbisPlace Bobbi's Place
#175 [1–3] [CELL:00022683] __ GoodneighborHotelRexford Hotel Rexford
#176 [3–8] [CELL:000225EF] __ GoodneighborOldStateHouse Old State House
#177 [4–4] [CELL:00022884] __ GoodneighborTheMemoryDen The Memory Den
#178 [2–6] [CELL:0002263E] __ GoodneighborTheThirdRail The Third Rail
#179 [1–4] [CELL:00022881] __ GoodneighborWarehouse01 Warehouse
#180 [0–4] [CELL:00022880] __ GoodneighborWarehouse02 Warehouse
#181 [1–7] [CELL:00022967] __ GoodneighborWarehouse03 Warehouse
#182 [9–2] [CELL:0002CFA5] __ GorskiCabin01 Root Cellar
#183 [0–5] [CELL:00157AA2] __ GraygardenHomestead01 Graygarden Homestead
#184 [8–8] [CELL:0009656C] [] GreenetechGenetics01 Greenetech Genetics
#185 [2–7] [CELL:00164A88] [] GreenetechGenetics02 Greenetech Genetics
#186 [5–2] [CELL:0004C7ED] [] GwinnettBrewery01 Gwinnett Restaurant
#187 [6–4] [CELL:000503C6] __ GwinnettBrewery02 Gwinnett Main Brewery
#188 [7–0] [CELL:000342CB] [] HalluciGen01 HalluciGen, Inc.
#189 [9–9] [CELL:00026F0B] [] HardwareTown01 Hardware Town
#190 [4–4] [CELL:0003AF88] [] HestersRobotics01 Hester's Consumer Robotics
#191 [3–9] [CELL:0004542D] [] HubrisComics01 Hubris Comics
#192 [4–8] [CELL:00153794] [] InstituteAdvSystems Institute Advanced Systems
#193 [7–8] [CELL:00153797] [] InstituteBioScience Institute BioScience
#194 [3–3] [CELL:0013A2B1] __ InstituteCave Institute Sublevel 21-D
#195 [1–4] [CELL:0002A199] [] InstituteConcourse The Institute
#196 [6–9] [CELL:0019EEA8] __ InstituteFEVlab FEV Lab
#197 [6–3] [CELL:0002D5EC] [] InstituteOldRobotics01 Old Robotics
#198 [4–9] [CELL:000B36AE] [] InstituteReactor Institute Reactor
#199 [6–8] [CELL:00153796] __ InstituteRobotics Institute Robotics
#200 [5–8] [CELL:00153795] __ InstituteSRB Institute SRB
#201 [5–1] [CELL:0015054F] [] InstituteTunnel01 Public Works Maintenence Area
#202 [7–6] [CELL:00047993] [] IrishPrideShipyard01 Irish Pride Industries Shipyard
#203 [7–1] [CELL:0002E579] [] JamaicaPlain01 Jamaica Plain Town Hall Basement
#204 [1–1] [CELL:000A1CB7] __ LaytonTowers01 Layton Towers
#205 [4–8] [CELL:0011E7EC] __ Libertalia01 Captain's Cabin
#206 [7–2] [CELL:000DCC23] __ ListeningPostBravo01 Listening Post Bravo
#207 [7–3] [CELL:0003B6ED] __ LongneckLukowskis01 Longneck Lukowski's Cannery
#208 [5–5] [CELL:0004640B] [] MahkraFishpacking01 Mahkra Fishpacking
#209 [8–8] [CELL:00038C8C] [] MaldenCenter01 Malden Center
#210 [0–1] [CELL:00056BEE] __ MaldenDrainage01 Malden Drainage
#211 [4–8] [CELL:000F4BF4] [] MassFusion01 Mass Fusion Building
#212 [1–2] [CELL:00084A59] [] MassFusion02 Mass Fusion Main Reactor
#213 [8–7] [CELL:0007D8E6] [] MassPikeTunnel01 Mass Pike Tunnel
#214 [0–6] [CELL:000C9D24] [] MassStateHouse01 Massachusetts State House
#215 [4–5] [CELL:0004AE42] [] MedfordMemorial01 Medford Memorial Hospital
#216 [8–4] [CELL:0003DF34] [] MedTekResearch01 Med-Tek Research
#217 [8–2] [CELL:0007AA38] [] MedTekResearch02 Med-Tek Sub-Levels
#218 [3–7] [CELL:0003430D] __ MiltonGeneral01 Milton General Hospital
#219 [3–2] [CELL:000D393F] __ MQ203KelloggsBrain Memories
#220 [9–9] [CELL:0015A1E3] __ MuseumOfWitchcraft01 Museum of Witchcraft
#221 [5–6] [CELL:00045155] __ NahantOceanSociety01 Nahant Oceanological Society
#222 [8–9] [CELL:0007FF42] __ NahantOceanSociety02 Nahant Oceanological Research Lab
#223 [2–6] [CELL:000532B6] __ NationalGuardTrainingYard01 National Guard Recruitment Office
#224 [8–4] [CELL:000E2F70] [] NationalGuardTrainingYard02 National Guard Barracks
#225 [7–4] [CELL:000E2F6F] __ NationalGuardTrainingYard03 National Guard Armory
#226 [8–5] [CELL:0006F5DE] __ NHMFreightDepot01 Strongroom
#227 [8–7] [CELL:000A59EA] __ NorthEndBoxingGym Boxing Gym
#228 [5–5] [CELL:000A87EB] __ NorthEndHoardersApartment Apartment
#229 [4–5] [CELL:000A87EA] __ NorthEndMeanPastries Mean Pastries
#230 [6–9] [CELL:001AD908] __ NorthEndSalemStreetCottage Cottage
#231 [1–9] [CELL:000A929B] __ NorthEndValentiStation Subway Station
#232 [8–2] [CELL:0003A870] __ OldGulletSinkhole01 Old Gullet Sinkhole
#233 [9–1] [CELL:00066EF3] [] OldNorthChurch01 Old North Church
#234 [1–3] [CELL:0005C257] __ ParsonsState01 Parsons State Administration
#235 [7–1] [CELL:0005FBB5] __ ParsonsState02 Parsons State Insane Asylum
#236 [9–3] [CELL:0004B4D7] __ ParsonsState03 Parsons State Basement
#237 [1–8] [CELL:000379C5] [] PickmanGallery01 Pickman Gallery
#238 [4–0] [CELL:0004B2C0] [] PoseidonEnergy01 Poseidon Energy
#239 [4–0] [CELL:00050C34] [] PoseidonEnergy02 Poseidon Energy Sublevels
#240 [8–6] [CELL:00053834] [] PoseidonReservoir01 Poseidon Reservoir
#241 [0–0] [CELL:000CA260] __ PrewarVault111 Vault 111
#242 [2–8] [CELL:0005C92E] __ PrydwenHull01 Prydwen Main Deck
#243 [6–1] [CELL:0014FC54] __ PrydwenHull02 Prydwen Command Deck
#244 [3–4] [CELL:0021630B] __ PrydwenHull03 Prydwen Quarters
#245 [6–6] [CELL:00149CD2] __ QuincyPD01 Quincy Police Lock up
#246 [5–6] [CELL:00092B21] __ RailroadHQ01 Railroad HQ
#247 [3–6] [CELL:00137C87] [] RailroadHQEscapeTunnel Railroad HQ Escape Tunnel
#248 [7–0] [CELL:0005E62F] [] RedRocket01 Mole Rat Den
#249 [2–0] [CELL:0003C606] __ RelayTowerInt01 Bunker
#250 [6–1] [CELL:001B3F74] __ RelayTowerInt03 Bunker
#251 [4–6] [CELL:0015B548] __ RelayTowerInt04 Shelter
#252 [9–5] [CELL:001B2ED3] __ RelayTowerInt05 Air Plane
#253 [1–9] [CELL:001B2917] __ RelayTowerInt06 Basement
#254 [7–5] [CELL:001B2ED1] __ RelayTowerInt08 Train Car
#255 [8–5] [CELL:001B2ED2] __ RelayTowerInt09 Fishing Boat Cabin
#256 [7–0] [CELL:001DE7E3] __ RelayTowerInt12 Military Bunker
#257 [2–9] [CELL:001B2918] __ RelayTowerInt14 Reactor Level
#258 [0–9] [CELL:001B2916] __ RelayTowerInt15A Operations
#259 [9–8] [CELL:001B2915] __ RelayTowerInt15B Reactor Level
#260 [5–8] [CELL:001B9A59] __ RelayTowerInt17 Storage
#261 [2–3] [CELL:00062338] [] RevereBeachStation01 Revere Beach Station
#262 [8–1] [CELL:000A36EA] __ SanctuaryBasementJahani Root Cellar
#263 [5–5] [CELL:000252BF] [] SandyCovesHome01 Sandy Coves Convalescent Home
#264 [1–9] [CELL:00041CB3] [] SaugusIronworks01 Saugus Ironworks
#265 [4–9] [CELL:001440BE] __ SaugusIronworks02 Saugus Blast Furnace
#266 [2–6] [CELL:0012653A] __ SentinelSite01 Sentinel Site Prescott
#267 [6–6] [CELL:00045156] [] ShamrockTaphouse01 The Shamrock Taphouse
#268 [1–0] [CELL:0003C0F1] [] ShawHighSchool01 Shaw High School
#269 [6–1] [CELL:000A1CBC] __ ShenleysOysterBar01 Shenley's Oyster Bar
#270 [9–8] [CELL:001C9331] __ SlocumsJoeHQOffice Slocum's Joe Offices
#271 [3–8] [CELL:000A0EEF] __ SouthBoston19 High School
#272 [6–0] [CELL:0009AE26] __ SouthBoston25 Church
#273 [2–6] [CELL:0009C376] __ SouthBoston35 Factory
#274 [8–0] [CELL:0009AE28] __ SouthBostonPoliceDepartment01 South Boston Police Department
#275 [9–4] [CELL:000276A9] [] SuffolkCountyCharterSchool01 Suffolk County Charter School
#276 [2–6] [CELL:000320A2] [] SuperDuperMart01 Super Duper Mart
#277 [0–2] [CELL:000B42E4] [] Switchboard The Switchboard
#278 [4–8] [CELL:00095438] __ Theater16PearwoodResidences01 Pearwood Residences
#279 [7–8] [CELL:000941DF] __ Theater27TickerTapeLounge Ticker Tape Lounge
#280 [7–5] [CELL:00184A31] __ TheaterHub360 Hub 360
#281 [6–0] [CELL:00186CC2] __ TheaterMassBayMedicalCenter01 Mass Bay Medical Center
#282 [5–9] [CELL:001C53EF] __ TheaterMassBayMedicalCenter02 Mass Bay Medical Radiology
#283 [2–5] [CELL:0004E428] [] TheBigDig01 The Dig
#284 [2–9] [CELL:000ADEC8] __ TheCastle01 The Castle Tunnels
#285 [9–9] [CELL:0007D513] [] TiconderogaStation01 Ticonderoga
#286 [5–6] [CELL:000E50B5] __ TrinityChurch01 Trinity Church
#287 [9–6] [CELL:00017E4D] __ TrinityTower01 Trinity Tower Mid Level
#288 [4–7] [CELL:00186FC2] __ UFOCrashSite01 Cave
#289 [6–7] [CELL:00002374] [] UniversityPoint01 University Point: Sedgwick Hall
#290 [9–0] [CELL:000FB265] __ UniversityPoint02 University Credit Union
#291 [8–4] [CELL:00068F7C] [] USAFSatellite01 USAF Satellite Station Olivia
#292 [5–0] [CELL:0003E805] [] USSConstitution01 U.S.S. Constitution
#293 [8–4] [CELL:000016D8] [] Vault111Cryo Vault 111
#294 [2–1] [CELL:000428E4] __ Vault114 Park Street Station
#295 [5–3] [CELL:0007BEF3] __ Vault11402 Vault 114
#296 [5–5] [CELL:000C01A7] __ Vault75 Vault 75
#297 [4–6] [CELL:0002A728] [] Vault81 Vault 81
#298 [8–3] [CELL:000A9B62] [] Vault81Entry Vault 81
#299 [4–9] [CELL:0005226E] [] Vault81Secret Secret Vault 81
#300 [7–6] [CELL:0005FF07] [] Vault95 Vault 95
#301 [9–3] [CELL:0001B0F7] __ VaultTecOffice01 Vault-Tec Regional HQ
#302 [8–1] [CELL:00156C0E] __ VirgilsLab01 Virgil's Laboratory
#303 [4–0] [CELL:000317D0] __ WaldenPond01 Gift Shop Basement
#304 [6–8] [CELL:000941DE] __ WarrenTheater01 Warren Theater
#305 [4–8] [CELL:000A0EF0] __ Waterfront02 Warehouse
#306 [6–2] [CELL:0009F0A2] __ Waterfront12 Harbormaster Hotel
#307 [3–2] [CELL:0006E873] __ Wattz01 Wattz Electronics
#308 [8–3] [CELL:0004A3A6] __ WestEverettEstates01 Backyard Bunker
#309 [7–8] [CELL:0006FE2F] [] WestonWaterTreatment01 Weston Water Treatment Plant
#310 [9–1] [CELL:0005A117] __ WestRoxburyStation01 West Roxbury Station
#311 [9–2] [CELL:0003F245] __ WRVRBroadcastCenter01 WRVR Broadcast Center
#312 [9–2] [CELL:0002B12D] [] Yangtze01 Yangtze
#313 [6–7] [CELL:000C0F68] __ zInstituteRotunda C.I.T. Rotunda
#313 [5–4] [CELL:001379B9] __ zLexingtonApartments Apartments
#314 [4–0] [CELL:001AE39C] __ zLexingtonGarage Parking Garage
#315 [7–1] [CELL:001AD021] __ zLexingtonLaundromat Laundromat
#316 [6–1] [CELL:001AD020] __ zLexingtonPharmacy Pharmacy
#317 [8–7] [CELL:0016FC4A] __ zPOIJoel06 Cellar
#318 [4–3] [CELL:0021A2AE] __ zVitalePumphouse01 Pumphouse
#319 [8–1] [CELL:0014A0EE] __ zWaystation Waystation


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