sirlupinus Posted April 10, 2017 Share Posted April 10, 2017 Hi, I recently assembeled a new collection of mods to play with, however I noticed when I was ready to play that three numbers constantly appear in the top left, every 2 seconds. Obviously, its annoying but I have no idea what mod could be causing it. I suspect the numbers are somesort of debugging mechanism but unfortunately, I don't know which mod would be doing it. Initially, the numbers were "0.000000, 75.000000, 1.000000" but they later changed to "63.000000, 75.000000, 1.000000" and I'm not quite sure what triggered the change. I've attached an image of what it looks like. I'm hoping someone here has seen this issue before and would know how to resolve it. I'm also including a list of my plugins if any of them look familiar. 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp 6 6 Falskaar.esm 7 7 ApachiiHair.esm 8 8 WM Flora Fixes.esp 9 9 Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm 10 a SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esm 11 b Sanctum of the Fallen.esm 12 c ClimatesOfTamriel.esm 13 d mannyDragonhead.esm 14 e mannyBlackRock.esm 15 f MolagBalsInferno.esm 16 10 Cutting Room Floor.esp 17 11 SkyUI.esp 18 12 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Reduced.esp 19 13 FNIS.esp 20 14 XPMSE.esp 21 15 FNISSexyMove.esp 22 16 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp 23 17 RaceMenu.esp 24 18 RaceMenuPlugin.esp 25 19 Remodeled Armor - Underwear.esp 26 1a Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp 27 1b Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dragonborn.esp 28 1c dD-No Spinning Death Animation Merged.esp 29 1d dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp 30 1e dD-Reduced Splatter Size.esp 31 1f dD-Reduced Wound Size.esp 32 20 AHZmoreHUD.esp 33 21 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp 34 22 lanterns.esp 35 23 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp 36 24 ELFX - Exteriors.esp 37 25 LegacyoftheDragonborn.esp 38 26 Unique BOOZE Bottles.esp 39 27 JKs Skyrim.esp 40 28 DBM_UnofficialFix_Patch.esp 41 29 Unique Uniques.esp 42 2a EnhancedWetnessandPuddles.esp 43 2b Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp 44 2c SDO Full-LOD - The Morthal Swamp Complete.esp 45 2d Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp 46 2e Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp 47 2f Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors.esp 48 30 Book Covers Skyrim.esp 49 31 ELFXEnhancer.esp 50 32 Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp 51 33 Helgen Reborn.esp 52 34 Forgotten DungeonsAll.esp 53 35 FTFI Fast Travel From Indoors.esp 54 36 BHTNF_Eli.esp 55 37 SkyFalls + SkyMills.esp 56 38 SDO Full-LOD - Waterfall Effects.esp 57 39 SkySight-Simply-Bigger-Trees-Slower-Branches.esp 58 3a Vivid Landscapes.esp 59 3b RealisticWaterTwo.esp 60 3c RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Falskaar.esp 61 3d RealisticWaterTwo - Falskaar.esp 62 3e Vivid Snow.esp 63 3f KS Hairdo's.esp 64 40 HousecarlSolitude A Jordis the Sword-Maiden v0.2.esp 65 41 Cute Girl s Replacer Solitude v01.esp 66 42 Cute Girl s Replacer Riften v 0.2.esp 67 43 Cute Girl s Replacer Markarth v01.esp 68 44 Cute Girl s Replacer Witherun v 3.0.esp 69 45 No_stretching.esp 70 46 WetandCold.esp 71 47 brawlbug-plugin.esp 72 48 Warmer Magic Lights v2 - Big.esp 73 49 MoreSalt.esp 74 4a Order My Items.esp 75 4b Smoking Torches.esp 76 4c Headtracking.esp 77 4d ogDiverseDragons2.esp 78 4e ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp 79 4f Coins.esp 80 50 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.esp 81 51 SoS - The Wilds.esp 82 52 OBIS.esp 83 53 SoS - Civilization.esp 84 54 Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp 85 55 dD-DG-DB-Immersive Creatures EBT Patch.esp 86 56 SoS - The Dungeons.esp 87 57 ELFX - Weathers.esp 88 58 ELFX - NoHjerim.esp 89 59 DynamicMerchants.esp 90 5a I5K Treasure Hunt.esp 91 5b SoS - Civilization-PatchELFX.esp 92 5c SkyrimsUniqueTreasures.esp 93 5d ELFX - NoBreezehome.esp 94 5e SkyrimSewers.esp 95 5f SoS - Civilization-PatchRLOMajorCityInteriors.esp 96 60 ELFX - NoProudspireManor.esp 97 61 ELFX - NoHoneyside.esp 98 62 Malkavs_Collection_V21.esp 99 63 Malkavs_Collection_V211.esp100 64 RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp101 65 Heimfeigr.esp102 66 SoSConfigMenu.esp103 67 Purewaters.esp104 68 Worlds Dawn.esp105 69 Vivid Weathers.esp106 6a WetandCold - Ashes.esp107 6b ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp108 6c ClimatesOfTamriel Falskaar.esp109 6d Locational Damage.esp110 6e High Level Enemies.esp111 6f High Level Enemies - Dawnguard.esp112 70 OBISDB.esp113 71 High Level Enemies - Dragonborn.esp114 72 High Level Enemies - Falskaar.esp115 73 When Vampires Attack.esp116 74 Run For Your Lives.esp117 75 strongcarriages.esp118 76 BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp119 77 Balanced_Magic.esp120 78 Better Harvesting (for Wisemans Flora Fixes).esp121 79 SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp122 7a HeljarchenFarm.esp123 7b WindstadMine.esp124 7c Complete Pack.esp125 7d Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.esp126 7e SoS - Civilization-PatchRLOMinorCities.esp127 7f QaxeWinterholdRebuild.esp128 80 SDO Full-LOD - Whiterun Trundra Creeks.esp129 81 AThievesTreasure.esp130 82 RealisticWaterTwo - Waves.esp131 83 Underwater_Treasure.esp132 84 Skyrim Shadow Striping Fix.esp133 85 Daedralair.esp134 86 katixasciderhouse.esp135 87 Immersive Patrols II.esp136 88 SofiaFollower.esp137 89 DawnguardArsenal.esp138 8a Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp139 8b I5K Skull Hunt.esp140 8c ForgottenCity.esp141 8d Morning Fogs.esp142 8e Dragon Soul Relinquishment.esp143 8f Bandit Patrols.esp144 90 BadGremlinsJarHunt.esp145 91 RealisticWaterTwo - Dragonborn.esp146 92 SoS - The Dungeons-PatchRLOMajorCityInteriors.esp147 93 MzarkWonders.esp148 94 SoS - The Dungeons-PatchRLODungeons.esp149 95 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp150 96 SignTown_by_YURIL_1o5.esp151 97 Skyrim Immersive Creatures - Patch.esp152 98 GSTH.esp153 99 RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Dawnguard.esp154 9a SDO Full-LOD - Giant Campfires.esp155 9b RealisticWaterTwo - Dawnguard.esp156 9c PP_OgmundsTomb.esp157 9d Equipping Overhaul.esp158 9e Prometheus_NSUTR Falskaar Dock.esp159 9f DaedraCave.esp160 a0 PP_WindcallerPass.esp161 a1 Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp162 a2 Real Clouds.esp163 a3 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp164 a4 Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp165 a5 Thief skills rebalance for Ordinator.esp166 a6 Ars Metallica - Legendary Edition.esp167 a7 PerkPoints.esp168 a8 TweakDamageOfLegendary.esp169 a9 100XCarryWeight.esp170 aa Less Falling Damage.esp171 ab ConjurationHandFXComplete.esp172 ac Footprints.esp173 ad SkyCompleteLegendary.esp174 ae AlwaysPickUpBooks.esp175 af NASB(After)-BCS-BQMBN.esp176 b0 SexyBikinis.esp177 b1 Vivid Weathers - Lanterns of Skyrim Preset.esp178 b2 Vivid Weathers - Falskaar.esp179 b3 TrueStorms.esp180 b4 Vivid Weathers - Extended Snow.esp181 b5 Vivid Weathers - Extended Rain.esp182 b6 TrueStorms-ClimatesOfTamriel.esp183 b7 VWTSPaTch.esp184 b8 The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp185 b9 OBIS Loot.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sirlupinus Posted April 10, 2017 Author Share Posted April 10, 2017 Just an update: I tried making a new game and it started showing the numbers at the game title and onwards. However, this time I noticed that the numbers changed a bunch of times right after I designed my character from the "0.000000, 75.000000, 1.000000" to "95.000000, 125.000000, 2.000000." At some point they changed again to "115.000000, 125.000000, 2.000000." but I didn't catch what happened when this change occured. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sirlupinus Posted April 10, 2017 Author Share Posted April 10, 2017 Another update: After playing through the game, I've noticed that that all three numbers have continued to increase. I'm still not sure what triggers the increase in values. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsharaMeradin Posted April 11, 2017 Share Posted April 11, 2017 If the text is appearing at the game title, it is probably not papyrus related. It could be third-party like an ENB setting, but what that might be I have no idea. A screenshot of the text in question may help someone to recognize the issue. I have never heard of it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeddBate Posted April 11, 2017 Share Posted April 11, 2017 I would recommend disabling all your mods (but not the DLCs or USLEEP) by un-ticking their boxes in the Plug-In tab in NMM. Start a new game. If you don't see the numbers, it's definitely one of your mods. Try re-enabling 10 mods at a time (check to make sure needed patches are enabled for those mods to avoid CTDing) and re-load the new save. When the numbers re-appear, you've whittled down the issue to just ten of those mods. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuccitheKid Posted April 17, 2017 Share Posted April 17, 2017 Yes I have the same problem too, thought it was papyrus issues, but it not anyone know any fixes because maybe it a mod or something and I get crash when trying save. Don't know if it related Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jebaccc Posted June 12, 2017 Share Posted June 12, 2017 Did you solve the issue if you did how did you do it. I'm asking becouse I have the same problem. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jenuskudo Posted October 26, 2017 Share Posted October 26, 2017 I also had same problem. For me the solution to the problem was to uninstall the mod which gives you more perk points per level. Hope this helps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NickAlden Posted July 9, 2018 Share Posted July 9, 2018 Thanks Jenuskudo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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