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NMM and Steam Workshop


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I have a few important questions regarding Nexus Mod Manager and Steam Workshop.


I have a ton of mods that I downloaded through NMM. If I want to utilize them through the Steam Workshop instead (so that finding and updating is simpler), do I need to deactivate or delete all the NMM mods first, then re-download them through the Steam Workshop? What will that do to my save games? Should I back them up first? How do I do that?


Thanks, and I hope everyone is enjoying Skyrim today!

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Ok first backing up saves, find them on your hard drive, example of mine is: C:\Users\Minngarm\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Copy the save files to a folder (I prefer to make a new folder on the desktop and add them there.) Then uninstall all mods in the NMM via the NMM console itself. Then you should be able to nab them on steam workshop, havent bothered with downloading from steam workshop so no clue if it installs automatically or not so from there you are on you're own. Good luck.
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I looked everywhere for the folder containing my save games, but I couldn't find it. If it helps, I am running Windows 7 and haven't moved anything around since installing Skyrim on launch day, so I'm assuming the save files are contained within the Steam folders somewhere but I still don't see them.
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I'm looking at the steam workshop, and I don't see a way to add mods we already have installed... So I imagine if we want to use the workshop, we'd have to wait until the authors put them up so we can "subscribe?" Not sure if I want to use it then, but automatic updating sounds nice. Now if Steam would sync games over two different computers...
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I'm looking at the steam workshop, and I don't see a way to add mods we already have installed... So I imagine if we want to use the workshop, we'd have to wait until the authors put them up so we can "subscribe?" Not sure if I want to use it then, but automatic updating sounds nice. Now if Steam would sync games over two different computers...


Yes, as far as I can tell, in order to use our existing mods with the Steam Workshop, we have to uninstall them via NMM and then re-download them through the SW so that we can take advantage of the automatic updating and whatnot. It sucks, but it makes sense.

Edited by Verinon
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NMM did automatically update for a bit, now it does not, hopefully they will fix that as its still in Beta. Keep in mind SW is only for Skyrim and TF2. NMM is for Skyrim, FO3, FNV, and I think Oblivion. Its meant to be an all in one mod manager for all nexus games.
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