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Team Fortress 2


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Well, I was bored today while waiting for CK and I found Team Fortress 2 on steam for free. I always though you need to pay to play this game, it seems I was obviously wrong. Since it's free I decided to get it (although I'm just cluttering my already small hard drive) and try it out, I heard it's a pretty good game. Anyway, did anyone here play this game and what did you think of it? Is it worth downloading or should I cancel it and save my hard drive space?
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It's fun, but yes, you have to work together. There is nothing more terrible when your team has 8 Snipers, no medics, and the rest are Heavys lol. I still prefer Team Fortress Classic but it's a nice sequel. It was also a heck of a lot better before all the items and hats, IMO. Game was small and simple...now it's bloated up to like 10GB. Get it, why not, it's free now. Some good maps to play are Goldrush, Dustbowl, and 2Fort :)
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On occasion that method of having almost everyone play the same class works. I've had to go on offense against a team that was 8 engineers and 7 snipers, plus a pyro for spychecking. They held out the first point of Dustbowl for some fifteen minutes.


One time I was a medic.. And the other 9 people were heavies. Fun times. We steamrolled everything they could throw at us because they couldn't kill everyone.

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Yeah, you could use it strategically if the players are pretty good, but more often than not, they aren't. It's like everybody in Battlefield wanting to play as a sniper but not realizing that it's actually a rather tough job. :P


The biggest problem with so many snipers is that on the maps where objectives are situated in smaller areas with more corridors, they're basically spy bait, especially because of the fact that everyone is scoping and nobody is paying attention to what's going on around them.


I haven't played in a few months, though, so it might be that all the new players who started playing when the game went F2P have learned how to play properly or have moved on to other games already. I should give it a go again.

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I play it on and off... But, I was more into it back in 2008, when the payload maps just arrived and the Heavy update released. Let's just say this - There were a lot more complaints towards several of the updates already available, and mind you, that's a small amount of items compared to what you can get today. Now, not so much since many of these players moved on to something else.


However I am kind of disgusted the way the store works. Anyone with a "premium" account, especially one as old as mine, shouldn't have to buy things like paint and decals; those are just mere layers of customization that other games offer at no cost. And if they are going to keep the crates thing up, they'll eventually have to offer a Skeleton Key just so people can clear their inventories of those crates.

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