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Your Chance to Rant about Entitled Mod Users for FO4


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Ãberidot here: Multiple PCs (Win/Linux), Multiple Macs of varying vintage (Mac Plus on up), Atari 800XL, Atari 520ST, Commodore 128, and my sole console is anÃÂ Atari 2600. Yar's Revenge, muthas!ÃÂ

Lol... my first modding experience was on my Atari 800 (regular, not XL, but buffed up with the full 48k of RAM), adding graphics through use of a redefined character set to Telengard, changing it from a text game to a primitive RPG. :smile:

I remember running out of memory before running out of ideas and changing every instance of "PRINT" to the shortcut "?" to save the 4 bytes per....


The 800XL I have was my very first computer bought at the local K-Mart for the princely sum of $75 in 1985. Price tag is still on the box I think. I then drove 90 minutes to buy the 1050 5.25" floppy drive for $150. Still have the original boxes for both, albeit not quite as pristine as when I bought them. The 800XL box has this tag line on the back: "64K of RAM...what will you do with all this memory?"Â

Yep. Kids today don't know how easy they have it with their gigs of memory. Back then your code had to be tight.

Gotta go, I think one of them's on my lawn....

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