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Game is not for GIRLS! how to delete SCARY monsters?


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loosers, :down: if u're very stupid and can't make such a great mod than just shut up! :verymad:

If u treat everyone as one of your favourite porn stars, then just stop masturbating so much :biggrin: :dance: :tongue: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: (and do your business than writing such strange posts)




Insulting others ends your (brief) time here. The vulgarities only ensured it. --TNL

Edited by Thandal
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I don't even ...


There's a limit to what we can call "scary". I have arachnophobia and seeing a huge spider in front of my face appales me. For multiple reasons of course, one of them involving Costa Rica and me facing one in real life.

But that's not the point here, what do you qualify as "scary" ?

Also on a side note, there are spiders too in KoA yet I can easily play throught it without getting into shock when I cross one, there's that small matter of "realism" that makes games like Dragon Age 2 and TES: V Skyrim scary when I cross a spider.


Skeletons ? Draugr ? Trolls ? Skeevers ? and that's pretty much all I can think of that you could call "scary". I mean yeah they can make you jump a little when they ambush you at a corner, but those beasts are the trademark of Fantasy RPG's. Hell I wouldn't play a fantasy rpg if it had no crypt and stuff like that.


I did mod for FalloutNV but I can't do stak for you here, until I learn how to mess with the CK again.

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Thanks, Sergeantkeys :-))))


well..actually just those monsters who are really too scary such as skeletons, zombies and I don't know which are really fearing ones there.. Even now remember a video of Fallout where a ghoul was rushing to your back u in a fully dark place((((...

Edited by LadyInRed
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I bet she's a dude.


Either that or she's a strange kind of sexist. I mean, I completely understand wanting spiders and zombies removed for personal purposes, but your justification is that "girls play it" so the scary stuff should be removed? I knew a German girl that liked dissecting baby pigs in Chemistry. Just saying "girls play this so it's too scary" is kind of insulting really.


And then, with that pic, and your name being 'Ladyinred', I'd bet you're a male. No offense if you're not.

Edited by Rennn
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I have also done searches on the profile pic and I can 100% say this is a troll who got pics off the internet. The pic is on many adult sites. Probably a prepubescent boy.


Hah! See? Read my above post! :)

I skipped to the last page at first, so I didn't know there was already a debate about this.

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Oh, u think all the WoW players are completely stupid? :biggrin:

I think the game has beeen severely dumbed down, yes. I don't see how this is relevant to anything I said though.


In all fairness, Panderas was in previous Warcraft lore so it's not exactly out of the blue. I think it looks fun! I do agree it's far easier than it used to be though, but that never really bothered me because I do happen to enjoy the "relaxing" aspect of just exploring and doing quests. On a free account you can only get up to lvl 20 anyway and there's no way I'm paying £12 a month to play. Had an account when I was twelve and I swear it used to only be about £3-4 per month *sigh*

Well, they were in previous Warcraft as an april fools joke, we could debate their relevance to lore all day tbh, but fact still remains, the moment they were announced the game became a hell of a lot girlier (no WoW trailer has ever had anywhere close as many dislikes as MOP). It makes me frustrated to think of it, HULK SMASH!!!!!

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