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Red Eagles Sword


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I assume that you've:



Killed Red Eagle and have done the Rebel's Cairn quest.


In which case you can try doing:


completequest dunRebelsCairnQST


In the debug console. Then save and reload that save (hit F5, then F9). That should clear out your quest log.



I'm assuming it doesn't prevent you from recieving the quest again if you open the book after inputting it?

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I've found copies of the book after completing it and because you have to read a book before you can take it, it started the quest again. So I went to the cave, put the sword back in and quest completed.


However I got it again tonight (collecting books to fill shelves) and it seemed to cancel itself, I didn't pop back home pick up the sword and go to the cave, I left it and it disappeared from my journal. Maybe the new patch is working, some of the time. I still have 6 bounty collections that have remained even though I've completed them and collected the bounties.

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Tried the control consul command and it did not work I still have "Find Red Eagles Sword" in my Journal. Is there any thing else I could do?




Yes fast travel to the location, enter the cave and put the sword in the slot. Quest over, take sword out. Carry on.


If you don't have Red Eagle's Fury anymore - player.additem 0009fd50 1

Edited by Anya29
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