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I still stand by my giant mudcrab boss monster.



Omega Bear>Emperor Crab

Ha that looks like it's straight out of Vindictus, awesome.

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Though Skyrim is IMO an incredible game I somehow felt there were some stuff they could have added to make the game experience much better. After watching that video it pretty much confirmed my thoughts. I don't think some of those features can be simply done with the CK. It might be possible but it would probably be much harder to replicate compared to what Bethesda's development team can do with their tools. Let's hope we see most of those features in the near future either as DLC or in a future expansion pack. I prefer the former than the later though. Edited by bumbayker
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Wow, I don't understand how people can call other people children simply because they demand something. Don't act high and mighty, accept that someone wants something and whether they get it or not has nothing to do with you.


Now, I wouldn't be surprised if half of those mods got released. Some of the more anticipated ones would be, even though it looks incomplete (hey, they did it in a week).

For example, the horse combat is something that every second person wants, and in the video, I was like "oooooh". However, they showed it for about 5 seconds before moving onto the next thing. Thus, I doubt it was at the standard Bethesda would release it.

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See, what they needed to do was to spend 3 more years putting in every conceivable thing that every conceivable player might want. I know it's not the best business sense to not have time constraints on the production of games like this but they are a charity right?



I mean, what were they doing for the first three years? Building the engine, making models and textures, recording voice actors, composing music, coding hundreds of quests, mapping hundreds of unique dungeons and locations, and optimizing as best they could for the console/low-end PC market? And in one short week they create a load of completely untested and unoptimized content that may or may not takes several MORE weeks of bug fixing before they could conceivably release it to the public?!


It's like they weren't even trying!

Edited by Panzyfaust
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Aww, did we pathetic crybabies make u crusaders mad?




Yes it is about making money, and money they do make. They got that covered very well, they know how to do that.


They do state in the video that this is a result of, when they told their team to do what they want and what's funny they themselves confess at the end "what if we worked like that more often"... So plz no "they couldn't do that before release" and "they have to make money (coz they won't make any being creative, riiiiiiight?)" BS.




So yeah, I'm with the crybabies :tongue:

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Wow, I don't understand how people can call other people children simply because they demand something. Don't act high and mighty, accept that someone wants something and whether they get it or not has nothing to do with you.

It's not that anyone wants this stuff, I want this stuff too. Grown people should be completely capable of saying "I want this" without having a 4 year old tantrum and talking crap.



Do want. All of it. It's not being overly critical to say I am disappointed some of this stuff didn't make it in.

Funny how the loudest complainers are always people whining about other people complaining.

TL:DNR - Haters gotta hate... haters.

If you think the people talking with reason are the loudest complainers, you haven't been reading the forums since before the CK came out.


So plz no "they couldn't do that before release" and "they have to make money (coz they won't make any being creative, riiiiiiight?)" BS.

They easily COULD have done that before release... but is it so hard to understand they were doing other things? They weren't just laying around twiddling their thumbs. A few of those things were purposely not put in the game for whatever reasons. Say they had put spears in the game but made them melee only... then people like you would be freaking out because you could not also throw the spears. If everything in that video had been in the game, people like you would still be griping because something else was missing.


But ignorance and entitlement are the world we live in and I need to accept that and do my best to just ignore the children.

Edited by GMatthews
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