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Problem with BSA


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I have a mod that modifies one script already in Skyrim. I have compiled the script and when tested from the Data\Scripts folder it works fine.


I have added the compiled script and its source file to a BSA archive. I have created an empty ESP mod and have named both the ESP and BSA the same.


When I select the mod from the launcher and run the game the script in the BSA file is not loaded and the game is unchanged. If I force the BSA file to load by placing an entry for it in the skyrim.ini file it will load and works fine.


I don’t know what I am doing wrong. How do you get the BSA to load normally? The Hi-res texture pack from Bethesda just has an empty ESP to go with each BSA. I can’t figure out what is different about them.


If anyone can help it would be much appreciated.

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I've got the same problem with a texture replacer. I got the .bsa ready but i have absolutely no idea how to create a .esp for it that works (Tried the FOMM NiFScope). And for the first time in my life i'm not able to find any detailed information regarding the connection between these two on the whole wide web... DAMN i'm frustrated!
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First of all, why are you using BSA? this will mostly create you problems and except it is very "huge" content it is more work than needed.

Now, for the game "see" your BSA you must register it to the game and have an entry in the ini file for the BSA to be loaded.

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As far as i know, the .esp tells the game to load the .bsa so you don't have to add it manualy to the ini. But we both have the problem that it won't. The .esp is activated in the Launcher btw.


Maby someone can tell me how to properly retexture an object with the Creation Kit, mainly the monn Masser. I searched for 2 days and i cant find the right thing...

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First of all, why are you using BSA? this will mostly create you problems and except it is very "huge" content it is more work than needed.

Now, for the game "see" your BSA you must register it to the game and have an entry in the ini file for the BSA to be loaded.


in oblivion the scripts were stored in the esp. with skyrim's editor the scripts are now external files like textures and sounds. to upload mods to the steam workshop, loose files must be packaged up in a bsa file. i followed the instructions for doing this on the creation kits wiki and it created an esp and bsa with the same name and uploaded them fine. the bsa just wont load.


the hi-res texture pack from bethesda is structured like this as well. they have large bsa files with the textures in them and completely empty esp files named the same as the bsa's. i am wondering if the hi-res files are loading as well now. i will have to test with and without and see if i can see the difference.


thanks everyone for the replys

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ok i have done some more testing and it looks like the BSA is loading but the compiled scripts are being ignored. i placed a modified weapon texture in the bsa along with the script and the texture loaded but the script did not.


so the script will be loaded if the bsa is placed in the skyrim.ini or if the script is in the data\scripts folder, but not if it is just a part of a mod's bsa file.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I am having this same problem! I made a mod (Unlimited Bookshelves) that simply replaces a single script. It works perfectly when you put the file in Data/Scripts (as the Nexus version), but it works for some people and doesn't work at all for others (it doesn't work for me) when it is packed in a .bsa (as the workshop version). I am trying everything I can to figure this out!
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Welcome to the BSA nightmare predicted long ago. Let's hope it will be eventually sorted out in a meaningful way once and for all. Anyway a hard hit to those who believed the promises of an easy and one click mod install.


We must be very thankful people like Lojack, ianpat and many other knowledgeable persons are there to save the day, well, at least I believe they can do it before something "new" comes from WS/Bethesda to put everything down again.


The greater problem still remains for shared resources from two or more BSAs, which some are desired from the first BSA and the other from the second, will "require" the conflict is resolved either by a merged BSA (what I find difficult) or it will be resolved with "loose" files.


good luck to us all, we'll need it.


PS edit:

Paradox4624 wrote


in oblivion the scripts were stored in the esp. with skyrim's editor the scripts are now external files like textures and sounds. to upload mods to the steam workshop, loose files must be packaged up in a bsa file. i followed the instructions for doing this on the creation kits wiki and it created an esp and bsa with the same name and uploaded them fine. the bsa just wont load.

I'm aware of it, the main reason you may find posts of mine pointing all these problems appearing on the horizon ready to haunt modders and users from WS day one, when all the mess with the "official textures pack" made it clear.


Well, the scripts now going into their own folder, is not unlike the textures and meshes and stuff, OK, the "new" method made it harder to find your scripts inside the mess so to grant them appearing in their respective folder on your mod. I want not to enter the merit of who's guilt, but is now a bit more of work for the modder to assure they are, maybe creating the BSA and extracting the folder from there is the way to go.


Sadly enough this BSA plague is affecting the mods uploaded to Nexus, what Lojack says on that article (linked in another post) should never be asked to the user, the modder should pack the mod in the old good "loose files" format from start before bringing it to Nexus.


Edit2: Maybe the reason of your mod not "showing up" is because another BSA is getting on the way?

Edited by nosisab
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