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Earth- The second Venus?


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The distance from a planet to the sun can't affect very much.


There's still another planet closer, and it maintains itself.


Earth could still be hit like Venus, no matter what the distance from the sun.


Um, no.


One degree closer to the sun, our oceans would boil. One degree back, they would freeze. Distance does matter. In fact, it matters a great deal.




You are aware that the Earth has an eliptical orbit, right? It's distance to the Sun changes all the time. We would have to move A LOT to burn up or freeze.









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1) The Electro Magnetic field Venus had weakened and the sun completly attacked the planet, causing everything to become basicly lava and incernerated land.

Actually, if the sun were to somehow overpower earth's magnetosphere completely, it would simply "blow away" most of the atmosphere and leave nothing more then a barren wasteland that would look quite similar to the conditions on Mars.

That's probably also how mars came to be in it's present state by the way. The planet's magnetosphere was likely simply too weak to combat the effects of the sun. And the reason why it's magnetosphere was so weak is also easily explained: Mars is at least twice as small as the Earth is.


The present state of Venus is completely different. It's atmospheric pressure is enormous. A climate alarmist's worst nightmare I suppose. It's not a greenhouse, but a hothouse. Kinda like a pressure cooker.


it is stronger this year than it has ever been before.

So what? The sun is simply going through it's cycles. It becomes more active around every 11 years or so. I haven't seen any evidence which suggests it's stronger then ever before this time.


Our poles are also shifting, which may cause the water to move further inland

Just why do you think water would move inland because of a pole shift?


The Earth's rotational pull, the Earth's gravity, the moon and even the sun itself all affect the water. I don't see how a pole shift would somehow overpower all of those.


Aside: There's evidence which suggests the Earth's magnetic poles have actually shifted dozens, or maybe even hundreds of times in it's relatively brief existence. I see no reason why the next pole shift would somehow become so catastrophic it will turn the Earth into a copy of Venus.

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1) The Electro Magnetic field Venus had weakened and the sun completly attacked the planet, causing everything to become basicly lava and incernerated land.

Actually, if the sun were to somehow overpower earth's magnetosphere completely, it would simply "blow away" most of the atmosphere and leave nothing more then a barren wasteland that would look quite similar to the conditions on Mars.

That's probably also how mars came to be in it's present state by the way. The planet's magnetosphere was likely simply too weak to combat the effects of the sun. And the reason why it's magnetosphere was so weak is also easily explained: Mars is at least twice as small as the Earth is.


The present state of Venus is completely different. It's atmospheric pressure is enormous. A climate alarmist's worst nightmare I suppose. It's not a greenhouse, but a hothouse. Kinda like a pressure cooker.


it is stronger this year than it has ever been before.

So what? The sun is simply going through it's cycles. It becomes more active around every 11 years or so. I haven't seen any evidence which suggests it's stronger then ever before this time.


Our poles are also shifting, which may cause the water to move further inland

Just why do you think water would move inland because of a pole shift?


The Earth's rotational pull, the Earth's gravity, the moon and even the sun itself all affect the water. I don't see how a pole shift would somehow overpower all of those.


Aside: There's evidence which suggests the Earth's magnetic poles have actually shifted dozens, or maybe even hundreds of times in it's relatively brief existence. I see no reason why the next pole shift would somehow become so catastrophic it will turn the Earth into a copy of Venus.


Just letting you know, our magnetic field is weak, and keeps growing weaker, and I believe I mentioned that. So, it is possible on that one.


And yes, there is evidence, at least in recorded history. And a pole shift would probably cause the Yellowstone park to erupt. The last pole shift happened, Yellowstone was just forming, but now it could erupt and have enough power to eat up the Americas, and cause lava flow to consume the ocean. Boom, you have an apocalypse that can't be stopped. And the pole shift, at this rate, would cause coastlines to basicly become the ocean.


Anything the Earth does is because of the Sun and Moon to scientists, but I say, what if those two DON'T affect what happens here?

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Just letting you know, our magnetic field is weak, and keeps growing weaker, and I believe I mentioned that. So, it is possible on that one.

Well, let's have a look at what wikipedia says on the matter of the weakening magnetic field, shall we?


At present, the overall geomagnetic field is becoming weaker; the present strong deterioration corresponds to a 10–15% decline over the last 150 years and has accelerated in the past several years; geomagnetic intensity has declined almost continuously from a maximum 35% above the modern value achieved approximately 2,000 years ago. The rate of decrease and the current strength are within the normal range of variation, as shown by the record of past magnetic fields recorded in rocks.

And yes, there is evidence, at least in recorded history. And a pole shift would probably cause the Yellowstone park to erupt.

Well, yes. I suppose there is indeed a possibility that a shift in magnetic poles could cause the Yellowstone supervolcano to erupt. (by means of convection I'm guessing).


and cause lava flow to consume the ocean. Boom, you have an apocalypse that can't be stopped.

Consume the entire ocean? Do you know how much lava / basalt / whatever that would take? Besides, the Yellowstone volcano isn't like that. When that thing blows it will blow in a way similar to the Mount St. Helens eruption in 1980. And considering the size of the Yellowstone volcano, that's actually much more dangerous.


Anything the Earth does is because of the Sun and Moon to scientists, but I say, what if those two DON'T affect what happens here?

No? allow me to quote your very own first post in this thread which states otherwise:

1) The Electro Magnetic field Venus had weakened and the sun completly attacked the planet, causing everything to become basicly lava and incernerated land.

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The distance from a planet to the sun can't affect very much.


There's still another planet closer, and it maintains itself.


Earth could still be hit like Venus, no matter what the distance from the sun.


Um, no.


One degree closer to the sun, our oceans would boil. One degree back, they would freeze. Distance does matter. In fact, it matters a great deal.




You are aware that the Earth has an eliptical orbit, right? It's distance to the Sun changes all the time. We would have to move A LOT to burn up or freeze.










Well, yes, I was actually referring to the orbit, but a review never hurts I suppose. :tongue:

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Just letting you know, our magnetic field is weak, and keeps growing weaker, and I believe I mentioned that. So, it is possible on that one.

Well, let's have a look at what wikipedia says on the matter of the weakening magnetic field, shall we?


At present, the overall geomagnetic field is becoming weaker; the present strong deterioration corresponds to a 10–15% decline over the last 150 years and has accelerated in the past several years; geomagnetic intensity has declined almost continuously from a maximum 35% above the modern value achieved approximately 2,000 years ago. The rate of decrease and the current strength are within the normal range of variation, as shown by the record of past magnetic fields recorded in rocks.

And yes, there is evidence, at least in recorded history. And a pole shift would probably cause the Yellowstone park to erupt.

Well, yes. I suppose there is indeed a possibility that a shift in magnetic poles could cause the Yellowstone supervolcano to erupt. (by means of convection I'm guessing).


and cause lava flow to consume the ocean. Boom, you have an apocalypse that can't be stopped.

Consume the entire ocean? Do you know how much lava / basalt / whatever that would take? Besides, the Yellowstone volcano isn't like that. When that thing blows it will blow in a way similar to the Mount St. Helens eruption in 1980. And considering the size of the Yellowstone volcano, that's actually much more dangerous.


Anything the Earth does is because of the Sun and Moon to scientists, but I say, what if those two DON'T affect what happens here?

No? allow me to quote your very own first post in this thread which states otherwise:

1) The Electro Magnetic field Venus had weakened and the sun completly attacked the planet, causing everything to become basicly lava and incernerated land.


The ammount of quotes this is turning into is really starting to hit my loading times.


Either way, it's possible, no matter what.


And I figured this out: scientists do believe we WILL end up that way. In around 250 million years though.

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The distance from a planet to the sun can't affect very much.


There's still another planet closer, and it maintains itself.


Earth could still be hit like Venus, no matter what the distance from the sun.


Oh thank god...it's over.


Okay...I'm REALLY sorry about all that spam. My computer sometimes has a bad habit of multiplying posts without warning. Crap...I hope I don't get in trouble for this, lol. :ohdear:


It is a deca-post. No need to apologies, you could be a record holder! :laugh:


As for earth ending up like Venus...


I doubt it would happen but who knows maybe in the very distant future. There are theories on terraforming Venus to make it habitable. Maybe it just needs life on it to keep it stable (life that can shade out the sun :tongue:), just like a barn needs animals to stay standing. If things start getting hot on the earth we could probably implement some of the same theoretical terraforming techniques to prevent it.

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It is a deca-post. No need to apologies, you could be a record holder! :laugh:


As for earth ending up like Venus...


I doubt it would happen but who knows maybe in the very distant future. There are theories on terraforming Venus to make it habitable. Maybe it just needs life on it to keep it stable (life that can shade out the sun :tongue:), just like a barn needs animals to stay standing. If things start getting hot on the earth we could probably implement some of the same theoretical terraforming techniques to prevent it.



we couldnt live in a climate like venus. its hot enough there to melt Lead! no amount of terraforming would help. Earth wont end up like venus because our atmosphere is different. it will end up more like mercury....i think

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